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Heartbeat, last night

The Sniper

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Hodmedod ( what's a dod ?) :good:


Dodgy yes, but my assistant was chuffing fit !! :lol:


Happy throwing,





So you already know what a "Hodme" is then :good::P


Hodmedod is the Norfolk word for a Hedgehog (or Rat, or Snail, depending on where you are in Norfolk and who you speak to).


As every true countryman should know :/:good::lol::good:

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Anyone watch it, last night ?


Just to let you know I was the knife thrower !!


The turban didn't do much for me but I quite liked the purple shirt . :/




I'm glad you had a part and hopefully earned some cash from doing it but to be honest it's utter utter garbage.


In fact the whole line up on ITV last night was Emerdale, Corrie, heatbeat and Kindom, all it needed for a full house was that Monarch of whatever **** that's usually on.


I would rather slam my nuts in a large door :P than spend a night in watching this dirge. :good:

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Tha's got prononciation wrong, lad. In Yorkshire "hodme" means hold that ! I still want to know what a dod is. Something to do with a tax fiddle !! :P


Dr W,


Are you still suffering from your self inflicted pain ?? No need to be so ratty !! :good::good::/:good:


( Yes, I did get paid :lol: )

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Sorry Snakebite, I don't know how to do the youtube thing, but I'll send you a clip via email.

That will be funny, as snakey doesn't know how to use that either :good:


Well I can watch them, sort of but that's it!


Are you volunteering then to help Sniper out then? For the benefit of all PW members ofcourse!

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Sorry Snakebite, I don't know how to do the youtube thing, but I'll send you a clip via email.

That will be funny, as snakey doesn't know how to use that either :good:


Well I can watch them, sort of but that's it!


Are you volunteering then to help Sniper out then? For the benefit of all PW members ofcourse!


email me the clip

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Anyone watch it, last night ?


Just to let you know I was the knife thrower !!


The turban didn't do much for me but I quite liked the purple shirt . :/




I'm glad you had a part and hopefully earned some cash from doing it but to be honest it's utter utter garbage.


In fact the whole line up on ITV last night was Emerdale, Corrie, heatbeat and Kindom, all it needed for a full house was that Monarch of whatever **** that's usually on.


I would rather slam my nuts in a large door :P than spend a night in watching this dirge. :good:



I don't know if you have ever noticed but most modern TV's (Televisions not transvestites) have different channels and more importantly an OFF button.


You do not have to spend an evening watching this DIRGE as you put it.

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Ok sorry was feeling a bit ratty yesterday.


Although to be fair I still stand by my assertion that they're all **** and the reason for my annoyance is that they were taking up valuable air wave space and so something decent couldn't be shown in it's place.


In fact I didn't watch any of them and now I can't walk properly...

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