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Spring water into home


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Hope someone can help.


We're looking into buying a new house and the house is fed with "spring water" not mains that we've been using.


Has anyone got any knowledge with spring water? filters if needed, water shortage, electrical pump, contamination etc........


Really interested in the house, it's the water that's putting us off a little as we can't seem to talk to anyone who knows. Only the environmental health and they didn't say it was that great with a young family.


Any help would be really good.






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our house has been using spring water for a long time now and it works fine and is a darn site cheaper than mains, i think mum pays £20 a year for maintance. :P


the way ours works is by a pump at the bottom of the valley which is connected to a small feeder tank that is filled by the spring, the pump then sends the water back up the valley side into a large header tank which feeds the houses due to gravity. there is also a inline filter some were along the pipes, however i dont think its that advanced, and the water tastes so much better than mains stuff.


also my grandpa has been living on the farm for just over 50 years ive been on it for 20 and the water feeds around 25 people none of which have ever become ill from drinking the water,



i say go for it :good: its cheap, tastes good and you dont get random leaks every other day flooding your street or the water board telling u there is a hose pipe ban in the middle of winter!!!



if you have got any questions just ask :good:

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You might want to check out the BBC it's hard being green website - that fella with the jumbo tache did it and well at least you can be safe in the knowledge that your hair won't fall out - that is unless you live close to Sellafield.


Seriously though, it would be worth doing a local authority search to make sure that there are no local nasties that might drain into the water table. You could ask these fellas http://www.environmentalsearches.net/?gcli...CFQROEAodm0SuKQ

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