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Shooting ranges Normandy France ?


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I don't think its so easy now in France, they have tightened up a lot on their legislation. the members of our club go to Belgium but I don't know where. We ought to make this a general "where can you go" thread, with links

Edited by Vince Green
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look on the deer stalking forum

seen mention of a cinema range near calais

not sure about others but I was told that there are a few.

try asking in the gun shops (or most normal sports shops - as a lot of .22 rimfire & some shotguns are close to being over the counter sales items)

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a lot of .22 rimfire & some shotguns are close to being over the counter sales items)

They used to be but it has all been tightened up a heck of a lot recently. When the pendulum swings it tends to swing too far. France used to be really easy and very adult about gun control. Single shot .22s, pistols and rifles were off ticket but not any more.

French law was very egalitarian about shooting rights, you could shoot on anybody's land but convention was you dropped them a couple of rabbits as you left.


My mate became a local hero by routinely dropping rabbits weekly to all the OAPS in his village, as he said, he didn't know what else to do with them anyway. He was happy to be able to shoot every evening where ever he felt like.

Edited by Vince Green
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