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Mobile phone messages


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From what steve said it was multiple msgs. I could understand one whoopsie but not a whole night of it..


But as I said, its two choices, talk to him and say stop. Or take it higher.

These were definelty intentional. My friend is even too embarrased to tell me some of the contents of the messages. What he would like to do to her, how he watches her in work etc etc. I'm not sure what she intends to do to be honest. She's due to return to work soon and is 'panicking'. I mentioned about the fact that it could be that he was intoxicated through drink/drugs etc, and she did say that the texts came out of the blue and that there's never been any signs of him 'wanting her'.

It seems to me that she doesn't want to get him in trouble, but, on the other hand, she wants to get this sorted once and for all. I've advised her on what I would do, but it's now down to her. I've even offered to be there if she wanted to approach him in her works carpark. It's now down to her, but she is clearly worried and upset over all this.

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I had an instance some years ago where I was able to retrieve a record of texts both sent and received simply by requesting same from service provider in order to get Police to deal with a bunny boiler nut nut who had developed a fatal attraction and wouldn't leave m alone (hard to imagine I know :P) and then tried to blackmail me.

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