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Seasons and shooting


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This came up at the BASC fowling conference and opinion was that things are best left alone, any attempts to change seasons would provide an opportunity for antis, birdy boys etc to press for shorter seasons and meddle for the sake of trouble making. Packham and his ilkwould have a field day.


Think we should leave well alone

Edited by grahamch
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as our seasons weather wise are changing greatly I believe that common sense needs to be applied as to when shoots start,i would say if you have good numbers of adults with chicks at this time of year you do not shoot,we will have to accept that the season will get shorter as the weather changes,self regulation is far better than having it forced upon you,the anti's will make good of any excuse to close a shoot,and the way our lawmakers are I can see the season for game being cut by a month either way,i was cutting grass a couple of weeks ago and saw several clutches of chicks with adults,i myself do not shoot live quarry however I would not like to see it destroyed for those who do,look after it of lose it.


I think ur right mick but the prob;em is not just milder autumn's or even winters but also milder earlier springs.

If the seasons were changing that autumns were milder but also springs were later I could see the sense in it, but if anything springs are even earlier.


And to be honest most estates even starting shooting in late Oct/Nov u are struggling for birds come end Jan.

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