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Which version of windows, and is it legal? (ie can you fetch updates for it?)


If it's XP SP2 then stick with the firewall they give you, it is actually zone alarm just licensed, cut down and de-branded.


If you can't get updates from microsoft, kerio or the free zone alarm will do a job.

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Does he use the wireless? If not turn it off, its kind of like waving £50 notes about on the high street and complaining when they get stolen if he doesn't.


I freely admit I know **** all about vista, never used it and won't probably use it for months. StuartP might be your man, personally anyone who uses new Microsoft software wants their head read :lol:


It's worth pointing out that most trojans won't be stopped by a firewall anyway, they generally rely on the victim allowing execution somehow :lol:

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