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Doc Holliday

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Has anyone had need to get FENSA involved where their replacement windows/doors are concerned? 

I have problems with mine when they were replaced some 4.5 years back. The bi-fold sounds like a ruddy owl when the wind is in a certain direction and one of the front door hinges has never been smooth, in spite if it being replaced twice.

The guy has been out a few times but now it is almost impossible to get him to come and sort it. It's almost like he expects us to be grateful that he has been out a few times and, even though he hasn't managed to sort it, seems to think that's good enough. 

I called in to his shop before Christmas to find out when he was coming back, as they were ordering yet another hinge following their last visit back in October. He said it would be New Year and guess what...?

So now I'm considering contacting FENSA but wondered what good they would be able to. My guess is it's the kind of organisation that he pays his annual dues to every year and they may give him a bit of a telling off but I'd like to hear from anyone who has had any experience with them.

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