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I have posted this elsewhere but here seems a moreappropirate place 

AUKWC (Association of UK Wildfowling Clubs )  has now been  working hard at the coal face to protect wildfowling in the UK ,instigated by 14 of us back in Oct 2016  with a meeting at Marford MIll at the invite of Peter Glenser  as we sent him a signed open letter of discontent  now have about 60 clubs backing us as associates and contributors ..And are fighting hard aginst NE over the Consent issue  and now a few other topics ,,Speak to your clubs officials to find out more about us .

Here is part of a mail to all clubs supporting the Association ..I will add here we have nothing to do with Kent  at all ,though they did send a member of Kent to the London meeting  .. 

The AUKWC sent their  response to the NE DRAFT after the London meeting /workshop back in late April  to N/E on behalf of the AUKWC before the deadline yesterday.  The only thing we need to do is to update our list of members/endorsers. Please could you all email me direct to confirm your support and that of your club if applicable. Could I also ask our joint council reps to now spread the word to the other clubs you represent and ask them to contact me also confirming their support. Now would be a good time to mention that Mat Holloway has settled Thyme Consultants latest invoice and we now have a zero balance. We really need to step up the fundraising. Many clubs out their are trying to find out about what we are doing so its time to spread the word and try to get more funds in.

Hope you can all help with this important stage! We could do with getting more than  the sixty clubs  to stand with us ! 



Association of UK Wildfowling Clubs (AUKWC)


Background to the AUKWC


The AUKWC, as the name suggests, is an association/collective formed by likeminded wildfowling club representatives from around the UK to respond to anything or anyone that is identified or perceived to be a threat to the sport of traditional wildfowling in the UK.


At its inception, the wildfowling club representatives came from the various Joint Councils, Wildfowling Club Forums and Regional Associations etc. representing wildfowling clubs from all regions of the UK. This gradually built up to the current position in which over 60 clubs are involved with and represented by the AUKWC.


The representatives identified common grounds for concern. The initial concerns/perceived threats to wildfowling which prompted this move were those associated with the actions of the UK Government’s advisers for the natural environment. As the competent authority in England, Natural England (NE) is responsible for consenting all wildfowling related activity on European protected sites.


This consenting process has thrown up problems and threats to traditional wildfowling over a number of years. As a result of pressure exerted on NE from the wildfowling community, NE announced (2017) a review of the assessment and consenting process for wildfowling on designated sites. A public consultation was set up giving wildfowlers the opportunity to have an input to this review of the consenting process.


The AUKWC was formed to ensure that the wildfowling community was effectively represented in this review process and to ensure that the aims to make the process of wildfowling consents more straightforward, transparent, proportionate to, and reflective of the impact and nature of wildfowling, were met.


Over 90%? of the clubs within the AUKWC are affiliated to the British Association for shooting and Conservation, (BASC). However, over recent years there has been a loss of confidence in the performance of the Wildfowling Department of the BASC on matters relating to NE and the consenting process.


Having voiced these concerns, the clubs within the AUKWC are seeking to work with the BASC towards a more robust stance and position in response to proposed changes by NE that threaten the future of wildfowling.


The AUKWC is seeking better communication, consultation and engagement from the BASC for its wildfowling members. It offers a wealth of wildfowling

expertise and experience as well as other resources to be used to protect the best interests of wildfowling and to protect the future of our sport.


In the meantime the AUKWC continues to work towards a satisfactory, mutually acceptable resolution within the NE wildfowling consenting review process.



Mission Statement:


Using a wealth of experience, knowledge, expertise and other resources that can be called upon from within the ranks of its considerable membership, (over 60 wildfowling clubs and associations) from around the UK, the AUKWC seeks to work with all organisations to which its associated clubs are affiliated to protect, advance and promote the sport of traditional wildfowling all around the UK.


Working in the best interests of wildfowling promoting best practice and the responsible use of wildlife resources, it seeks to work with all UK agencies and organisations to protect the species, sites, habitats and general environments on which the practice of wildfowling relies to achieve a sustainable future for our sport.


The AUKWC will robustly defend all aspects of traditional wildfowling and challenge any actions that threaten or are deemed not to be in the best interests of our sport.



There you go guys we are trying to do something to protect our sport for those yet to come !! 

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2 hours ago, Kalahari said:

Unfortunately, you say you are a United KIngdom body and make no real mention of the situation in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Only England. We are out there you know and part of the United Kingdom.



Why? Are NE currently threatening Wildfowling in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales?

Are you aware of particular problems for Wildfowling in Wales, Scotland or NI from their regulatory authorities? Because if you are? AUKWC has in the last sentence of its mission statement covered this!.......have you contacted them? Appraised them of a problem? Asked them for help? Offered to support/help them?

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It is very important to say that the AUKWC was formed for the reasons shown ,and consents will affect all areas of the UK and that will include Scotland as  times are changing North of the Border  Look at Caerlaverock ,and some of the other LNRs .. The game shooting issue is a major problem at this point in Wales on public owned areas and BASC are already doing what they can ..Not sure that wildfowling clubs should be involved with those negotiations ,but all game shooters should be  and across the country as what goes on in one area can spread to others very fast !! As a founder member of the East of Scotland wildfowling Club I am very aware that wildfowlers in Scotland do need to band together form clubs or join local clubs to protect their sport in the future .. It is sad for me to see the large lack of interest in fowlers not joining the East of Scotland  just because they feel they don't need to as fowling is "Free" in Scotland .. sorry to say it's not free  as Caerlaverock and Findhorn are showing !! 

Kalahari do you know if your club or others near you are supporting the AUKWC ? if not could you ask them if they would like to ..Thank You ..




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