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Shotgun Certificate


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While I was away the reminder, that my shotgun certificate expires in August, landed on my doormat.


As you know, the renewal form is just like an application form.

Thats all wrong for a start. :(


The chap that countersigned my last one was the Chairman of the local Magistrates.

Sadly he died a few years ago.

Looking at the list of "approved countersignatorys" I am struggling to think of anyone to sign mine.

I will probably have to ask my Doctor, I could introduce myself to him at the same time. :(  


Who signed yours ?

Did you stick to the "approved" list ?

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My Dad just got the guy next door to sighn his. I think you only need an aproved person for your first grant. Im 16 now and im trying to get mine as i am going into gamekeeping as a carere. I was talking to an instructor at the basc game fair and he said that doctors can sometimes charge to sign. Does anyone know if a prison officer is classed as a police enployed civi? the instructor got his gas man to sign.

   Dont wory you will get it no-probs! :( }

donno bout me though!!!

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I had a right reprobate countersign my cert. He's a colleage lecturer, and he's never let me forget that he did me a favour.

Always asking for lifts & favours..........pinching my food when I'm starving.............taking the best places to shoot.......using all my ammo.........................Cheers Kev!!!!! :laugh:  :laugh:

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I have all my guns on my dads certifcate as I am only 14.

Dont worry the doc has a little stamp that he prints on, well thats what he did to my dads. Snap everygoodnamewastaken

I am going into gamekeeping as a job but I think I get a grant or something.


Does any body know how old you have to be to have a F.A.C as I think I need one for a deer mangemet course?

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I went to get my grant form today from the police today but they said that they dont hand them out anymore!!! They took my details and said that they are gonna sendd out a pack of somesort. Does anyone have any experiance with this new system or is it just a Scottish thing? I now have a teacher to sighn it Yipeeee! What happens when i fill out the forms and post them back? They dont realy have a reason to not give me one cause i feel that i am responsible and my teacher can vouch for that. I have good reason to have keep guns so is there any way the can object? :( Oh yeah big dave there is proposals to revise the ages and change them all to 18 before getting any sort of lisence :(

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Well better get going then I am going to apply for my own shotgun one then firearms. There not going to get me I descide that if I allready have the certifacates when the new law comes in they cant take them away from me as it is against the human rights laws to take away my certifacate for no good reason. I stayed up all last night to find that out !


Me or my dad have never applied for a F.A.C as he keeps his rifles at my uncles house.

How does the F.A.C Differ from the shotgun certifcate I have heard its more strict :what:

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