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Adding Rubber Recoil Pad


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I have a rough gun and am thinking of adding a rubber recoil pad,


i have one of those slip over rubber types that just looks nasty but if i was to trim off the skirt or boot so to speak i would be left with a rubber pad, the question is how do you attach it to the butt, is there a special way or is it just a smear of araldite???

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Won’t work Simon and will just look a mess. You really need to buy a proper pad which you can fit with screws.

You will need to take off any existing pad (can’t remember if it had one fitted) and flatten the end of the butt. This must be done really well to ensure there are no gaps when the pad is added. The best way is to take some really rough glasspaper fitted around a flat bit of wood and to take your time until it is really flat and smooth.

You will have to determine whether you want to keep the LOP the same or if you want to extent the stock to make it longer. Either way you have to measure it first and then buy the appropriate thickness of pad. If you have a stock that has the butt shaped with grooves cut into it, then you must cut off ½ inch to make it level and then fit a ½ inch pad. If you want to add ½ inch to the length then you cut off ½ inch and add a 1 inch pad etc.

Once you have flattened the butt then it is a simple case of fitting the pad. First make sure it is central and has enough room to cut the shape of the heel as this slopes towards the wood. Then cover an awl in Vaseline and push it through the pad where the holes are formed. (these will be underneath the pad and you will have to push a sharp awl though to mark where the screws will be pushed in to fit the pad to the wood).

Then you simply drill the stock to take the screws making sure that you drill a proper size hole (not too tight or loose).

Once you have done this then you cover the screws in Vaseline (crossheads are best) and push them through the cuts in the pad. Then place the pad on the wood, cover the end of a screwdriver in Vaseline and screw the pad home. The Vaseline will stop the pad from chewing up and once the screws are fitted you shouldn’t be able to see a mark on the face of the pad.

That was the easy bit!!!!

Now you need to grind down the pad to size. This is done using a belt sander, or, with care, an angle-grinder fitted with a soft-pad. As the stock hasn’t been finished yet, it wont make any difference if you grind right down and onto the wood as this will make a very good join. Take your time and make sure you don’t hack into the wood as this will never come out and you will have to remove wood to get rid of any deep gouges. Softly and gently is the way to go until you have ground the rubber right down to the stock and have blended it in.

It takes a bit of care but will look “the business†when finished. :stupid:



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Afternoon Gent's

I'm thinking of gaetting my stock lenght size reduced on my 12g O/U Browning. I've read the article above and its a bit complicated for me. How much would it cost to get a gun dealer to do the work for me?

Cheers Q :stupid:

Irecently had it done by a local stockman, £75.

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Afternoon Gent's

I'm thinking of gaetting my stock lenght size reduced on my 12g O/U Browning. I've read the article above and its a bit complicated for me. How much would it cost to get a gun dealer to do the work for me?

Cheers Q :stupid:

i paid £25 at weldon gun room....had them shorten the stock so that the kickeeze pad wouldnt alter the overall length......

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