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Back at it again


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Well I hope everyone isn't getting bored of my reports got 2 more day after today then I will be done for the season . Anyway here's the events of today's shoot.  

Had my 3rd beaters day today on a local shoot I beat on . We met in the yard and drew pegs (i drew number 2) as this was a walk one stand one but when walking you could shoot birds coming back . First bit of excitement of the day was I forgot my dog leads for my jack russels!! So had to borrow 2 and my 3rd jack won't go far from me and actually retrieves so she was left to sit by me

So first drive saw me standing on peg 2 . The other team pushed through a small block of rough ground to a cover crop.  There was a few birds in here but most kept low . I took a half decent cock bird to my left and saw my gun to a right shoot a brilliant right to left crossing partridge which was motoring as it was blowing a gale.  The sun was really low and a pain on this drive as it was all day .

Next was our turn to walk a tiny spinney with 2 bits of cover either side this has been very quiet this season but we flushed 6 birds out to the front guns and 5 were shot and was one to low so left .

It was our turn to stand again and was a long walk for the walking team who brought a lot of bramle and cover into a cover crop in a dip . There was some stunning birds here that caught the wind and soared like a Phoenix . I dropped a woodcock on this drive my first and only one I will take this season.  Then saw a hen leave the cover crop climb come right for me before swinging in the wind and becoming a crosser I hit her first barrel and again hard with the second and she glided into a drive we were doing later which I searched over and over again and couldn't find her despite great efforts which dampened my day a bit.  I also took two shots at another hen my neighbour missed but was more hope then expecting. 

Then was our turn for a long walk up a ride to bring in one side of a large wood with a cover crop at the end . This was very quiet for the standing team with only a few birds flushed midway though and nothing at the flushing point but I think around 5 were added to the bag here .

Next was my last stand and boy was I in the hot spot . The flushing team brought a large stretch of wood down which is very thick and the birds can come from start to end of the drive . Well straight away I saw a cock bird coming over the trees my way and I as I lift for my first shot he dipped as he got over the trees causing me to lift my head and miss badly first barrel but managed to gather myslef and lean  back and take him with the second . He landed with a splash in the pond behind me. No sooner had I reloaded one another one came the same line and did the same thing and again I lifted my head and missed horribly with the first and again managed to recover and drop him with the second . Then another bird headed my way this time I waited to she had cleared the trees and took her more as a crosser dropping her first barrel . Then again I heard the cry of the walking team to see another hen coming my way and I resorted back to my bad habit on the earlier cock birds and lifted my head and missed but again correct myslef and folded her second barrel . So was happy to have got all 4 birds that came my way but frustrated to keep repeating the same error first barrel

Last drive of the day saw us sweep a hedge into a spinney then walk the spinney down I was on the outside and was told to walk ahead as they squeeze out the side here . Well a cock pheasant tired his luck and was hard hit first barrel and winged with the second . My dad sent his spaniel to get the bird when to my amazement the cock bird sprang up and not only ran but flew along the hedge we had walked up.  My dad's spaniel dissapered in  hot pursuit and I had given up hope of this bird being found when I looked back to see the spaniel coming back with the cock bird! Was well chuffed as I hate to lose anything . Carried on down the spinney and I dropped another hen here . We then turned and pushed through a big block of wood to the standing team and this held several birds with plenty being added here . I managed a jay which took the second barrel as I don't know how I missed the first. 

So was the end of another great day out in the field . I ended up with 7 pheasant picked.  One lost sadly , a woodcock and a Jay.  For 18 shots which is a few to many for my liking but you can't hit every shot . We then headed back to the yard for a coffee and hot sasasuge rolls and Cornish pasty. We ended up with 46 head . 


Cheers and good luck to everyone on the last few days of the season 



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Very nice account of your beaters day and not a bad average considering the strong wind today , we had our first one last Saturday but sadly I was shooting elsewhere , another one tomorrow which I will be on and another on Friday for those who couldn't make last Saturday , then as soon as the curtains come down Friday the roost shooting start the next day , so all in all there is plenty to look forward to .

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