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Naming terrorists


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On 05/06/2019 at 12:23, henry d said:

Hindley etc were not pursuing an ideology, that`s why.

What were they pursuing ?
They took great enjoyment out of torture and murder, they believed believed they were too clever to be caught, did they know it was wrong, were they mentally ill ?
You could say their ideology of doing whatever they wanted to do, was their driving force.


On 05/06/2019 at 13:53, Gordon R said:

I don't accept the terrorists were doing it for ideology reasons. They are simple minded idiots, brainwashed into committing atrocities, by more cowardly leaders who recognised and preyed upon their stupidity.

Indeed, the foot soldiers rarely understand the WHY of the act, the leaders of such people recognise the ones who will obey without question.


On 05/06/2019 at 14:42, henry d said:

So what reason was there for them to do it, hatred of {Insert skin colour here} people?

Obviously not skin colour , Palestinians and Israelis arent exactly black and white, or provos and unionists ?
The main factor in both examples is religious ideology, which  as I said the lower ranks have little understanding of.


On 05/06/2019 at 14:42, henry d said:

Thomas Mair had an ideology


1 hour ago, henry d said:

Ask that of a lot of the PW massive and all you will get is; "They are all scum, send them to jail/military service/workhouse/anywhere else as that is all they will ever be!" Or similar

Thats err.. a little harsh on the PW massive :lol: I think 'most' have seen various methods of reducing crime , money pumped in, light sentencing ect, and just seen crime and disrespect for society rise and rise.
Its not about the knuckle dragging response, its about maybe trying something different than stroking the perps head and giving them another chance, how about a real deterrent ?


1 hour ago, henry d said:

but hey what would I know?

You said it (sarcastically) but literally, do you know how to fix it ? All of it , everywhere ?
Does Henrys method work universally across the board ?
I very much doubt it.


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henry d - I don't have the answer. The world has moved on from work ethic, respect for elders, abiding by the law, tolerance etc. It just seems too easy, in this day and age, to turn to drugs, crime or terrorism. You are working to change that, whereas it is just passing me by.

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