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Last Nights Outing


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Last night despite the rain I decided to go lamping as I knew there was a fox about as I have tried to get her all week but never a safe shot could be had.(I already got 1 fox of this field during the week when I was following the combine)First of I went round the field shone the lamp and there she was and disappeared in a flash,thought right i'll have to approach this from a different angle so when bunny bashing for a while(cracking result 17 bunnies for 17 shots was well happy).

So here's what i did the field is a big sloping hill dropping down to a big bank so perfect back drop,drove in to the field as fast as i could to get some forward motion then killed all lights and the engine,Ithen shone the lamp around with a red filter on and there she was,gave her a good squeak a she towards me so fast thouight she was gonna run into the landy,by this time i had the cross hairs right on her now just about to pull the trigger and NO i had forgot to reload in the excitement so quick cocked the bolt and off she run but her mistake was to stop about 90 yards away turn around and look back I hit right in the chest and she drop like a stone.(how we all like to hear that reassuring thud)Now for my next mistake I put my rifle away think ing my nights work was done,drove up the field and guess what there sat another one,so guess what I'll be doing tonight

Hope you like the pics and have included some of a previous outing when i got 2 in 5 mins



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