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Norfolk Marsh Harrier:

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This story that they say took place nearly 2 weeks ago makes the national BBC news!?  Only evidence is a poor picture of a raptor with what looks like a broken wing!? And them saying one of there birds is missing!? Would you look at that picture and declare! Yes! It's a shot gun wound! It's definitely been shot! I WOULD NOT!!!  And as shooters/pest controllers we handle more birds than most!  May have even been a dog attack! I have found birds of prey over the years with similar injuries and rescued them. When i have taken them to falconers/ rescue centres they have never instantly assumed gunshot wound! It a common injury in raptors! Especially in owls!  Most recon hunting injury or attack from other raptors or crows in the case of owls! Some live and can be patched up and released. Had tawny owl myself for several years with similar injury! It was quite a character! BOP Centre had it to breed from when i moved house. Reserve also sat on this story for a long time! I wonder why?? I wonder if they intervened on the nest with young and the  one remaining parent? As they recon chicks unlikely to survive. Makes ya wonder if trying to build bridges with these folk is worth it!!    NB

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