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A challenge


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my challenge, no prize, just that warm fuzzy feeling inside.


Get 5 shots into the body of one of the prarie dog targets (about the size of a bunny) @ 300 yards at bisley this sunday.


I'm interested to see what the HMR can manage, im ready to be persuaded.

Count me in :oops: .................Hopefully my prairie dog target was raised on steroids and as a result twice the normal size :D

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Count me in Nick if I can manage to do the following things workload allowing.


1. Find time to by one and haggle with the owner until he is crying.

2. Attain and attach a suitable scope and mounts.

3. Zero it.

4. Re-zero with different ammo.

5. Re-zero just to make sure.

6. Do 3 to 5 again with some side/head/tail wind.


On second thoughts ***** to it, I will watch instead and heckle you all whilst holding a called tinnie encouraging the prairies to flee for their lives :D






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just looking at my federal balistics program and you will be happy to know with a gun zero at100yards and 10mph cros winds the stats are


trajectory 35-40inch drop

bullet velocity 1000fps

bullet energy around 40flb

wind drift around 40 inchs



all taken with hornady v max



what ya recon guys think we should be able to hit a target the size of a car at that range

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