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Paints to Metal

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I have some telescopic poles for my hide and have to use a thin paint that sticks to metal. So on information recieved by you guys i went to halfords and got some paint. looks good but when you slide the poles up and down the paint comes off which is not good. Do any of you know where or what paint is the best for sticking to metal and staying there?


Thanx Gentlemen

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Getting paint to adhere to Al is not easy, it's all to do with the oxide layer that forms on the metal surface.


When it's done on an industrial scale the pretreatment process prior to painting is quite lengthy and complex, so the amateur is on a hiding to nothing.


Frankly I wouldn't bother about it (I'm sure the pigeons dont) Just slop some mud on the bits that show, and ignore the ones that don't.





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I made my own hide poles from some very light weight telescopic aluminium roller handles with a twist lock.


The bottom section is covered with camo tape. The rest is covered by a long thin sock made from lightweight camo material. The sock acts as a cover, being fixed at the top it is free to run up and down, yet cover the shiny bits.



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Guest Mr Pieman


wash the pole in vinegar (like you have on your chips), rinse them off, dry them and paint immediately ???


It will remove the oxidation and allow the paint to 'mate' with the metal. :(


Col Pol - you are one sick puppy :( :lol::devil::lol:;)



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