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Pellet Pouches


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I'm wanting to avoid the clanking of pellet tins in the field and was thinking of getting a pouch.


The all singing all dancing ones cost a bluddy fortune.


I was thinking about just a normal drawstring leather pouch but has anyone got any other suggestions for about a fiver? (calling all Yorkshiremen, calling all Yorkshiremen!)


Thanks in advance



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Change your tune


No Yorkshireman would ever pay that much.


Your idea of the leather pouch sounds fine to me, try the local market, you know the stall that sells purses etc. I usually just put them in a pocket, but the pouch sounds good to me. Virtually every pocket that I have has got some .22 pellets in, even my best suit, god knows why, I dont.


Off to Aintree on Friday, so Id better shift the pellets, before I get carted away.


Im a Lancastrian, were tighter than Yorkshire men, we just dont shout about it so much.


webber ???

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When I used to hunt a lot with airguns I used an old zip-up tobacco

pouch. They're double skinned (plastic liner with leather outer) so I cut

a couple of slits in the leather outer and slipped it on my belt.


It was also good for .22RF ammo.


You can get them from the old tobacconist/pipe shops.

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You are really getting into this Airgunning lark now...


Good stuff.


I have a ammunition belt which I use in the field all it is is an old leather belt which I have drilled or punched holes in smaller than the diameter of the pellet. I then select my pellets by hand the day before a trip and push them into the belt. Works a treat.


FM. ???

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This is an even cheaper option go to some where that does photo processing & ask them for a few empty film pots you place your pellets in side and then add a layer of kitchin towel or toilet paper before closing the lid on the film pot it doesent rattle and is free it will hold about 100 pellets which is more than enough in my opinion for any hunting foray. ???

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Before you go bestowing awards, please be advised that the exact location of the afore mentioned market stall is a mystery to me.


The wife however is another matter; I have mentioned in previous posts as to the usefullness of the creatures that perform all manner of tasks in the name of love.


webber ???

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In your original post you said you wanted to avoid the clanking of pellet tins in the field.


Well, rather than a pouch, try this idea. Get a piece of fairly stiff foam and burn holes in it, to the size of your pellets. Leave a little bit of the pellet sticking out for ease of handling. Use double sided sellotape to stick it to the side of the rifle forend and this solves all your problems.


Good shooting.

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