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Council Tax and neighbours


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Council Tax and neighbours Council tax re-evaluers want to charge us more if we live in a nice area.


That ought to mean discounts for those of us who live in rough areas.



Now, we have a huge council house in our street. The extended family is run by a

grumpy old woman with a pack of fierce dogs. Her car isn't taxed or insured, and doesn't even have a number plate, but the police still do nothing. Her bad tempered old man is famous for upsetting foreigners with racist comments and a shopkeeper blames him for

ordering the murder of his son and his son's girlfriend, but nothing has been proved yet.


All their kids have broken marriages except the youngest, who everyone thought was gay. Two grandsons are meant to be in the Army but are always seen out in nightclubs. The family's odd antics are always in the papers.


They are out of control..............


















Honestly - who'd live near Windsor Castle?

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