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.17hmr ammo

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Same, with supply like it is once you get hold of something reasonably priced which shoots well you'll want a few in stock :blush:

:blush: - FAO gave me the same for both my .22 and 17hmr (1100 to hold, 1000 to buy) - no problems what so ever


Indeed i Shall put the same then


Gonna cost me a fortune to buy 1000 hmr rounds!!!!!


Whats average time for a variation to go through?

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they do take a long time to use unless you're absolutely over run with vermin or like shooting paper a lot. I've got 500 to buy and 700 to hold and that was all the FEO was prepared to put on. In reality its not an issue as I get through 200 a month or so but thats quite a lot of rabbits :blush:

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