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Went out last night with the lamp,dark night slight wind,first field we came to was a fox at the other side about 400yrds,turned the lamp off,on with the squeeker and watching it with the nv bins,it sat looking for a while then disapeared,thought i would just check the field behind with the lamp just in case,and there it was the crafty ***,it had gone around us to get down wind,and when it was in range it sat with a house behind it so i could not take the shot,so that was that it just moved off and didnt see it again.So we did the rest of the estate and didnt see a thing,which was very strange because for the last 2 mths every time ive been out weve seen 4 at min.On the way home lamping the fields weve already done,we turned into a field the keeper has had trouble at his pen with charlie,driving across the field lamping out pops charlie running away from us with somthing in its mouth,little squeek it stops and looks just about to pull trigger and off it goes again over the top of a hill,so we drive up slowly and there it was lying down eating its kill,took a quick shot and what a lovly sound that thud is,it was a good size dog,i was well chuffed to end the night with a kill,as all the big foxes on this estate are lamp and call shy,so it is very hard to get a shot off,unless its a cub and they just dont have a clue,shot 5 cubs in the last mth on this estate.Ive shot on this land for the last 4 years and have never seen a cub until this year,and have never seen as many foxes as i have this year,i think it must be because of the ban on hunting with dogs,good for me coz i lv shooting them but bad for my game keeper friend.

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Well done on nailing that dog he was well fed anyway looks in very good condition apart from the slice through him :lol: Them v-max bullets do some serious damage i just picked up 2 boxes of 55gr hornady v-max molys myself there expensive but if they work as well as that i will be happy ;)

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There not v-max they are winchester supreme ballistic silver tip 40gr.

Gosh i very sorry ;) Both bullets are ballistic tips just different brand names exact same principal though,bullet hits flesh tip is driven back into an air pocket bullet disintigrates and bobs your uncle fanny's your aunt and big jims your brother :lol:

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