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.204 ruger

Night shooter

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Fair play to them aswell John.

But, i got into the caliber, as soon as it came put more or less and the ammo for it here, was hit and miss, so to speak. I think i was one of the many ginie pigs out their at the time.

Things may have improoved since, but i still personally, would not touch it evere again, if i had the choice of that and the .223. :oops:



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Thanks for the advice and the link, i think i'll have to give it abit more consideration.

Don't really know much about .223, what sort of grain bullets do you use and have you got any idea of what sort of volocity's you can reach with them.

The only reason i've been interested in the .204 is the impressive volocity's that can be achieved and the high lbs per square foot knock down power for such a little load.

I need a rifle for long range rabbits 100 - 150 yards and also i have been asked to do abit of hare control on a veg farm.

I dont like shoot hares but the farmers wants em doing and will give the shooting to someone else if i don't do it. Which might result in me get kicked off my permission.

However if i've gotta do this job i want something that will knock em dead first time. I wouldn't really want it for foxes but it's nice to have a gun that will be capable of doing the job if i was to stumble on one.

The other problem i've got is, i'm due to aquire a 220 swift in the next year or so.I don't want anything to compromise that do you think i'll still be able to justify the swift if i have a .204 or a .223. or do you reckon i should go for ma .17 HMR?


Thanks again for the reply, i would apprciate i if you could tell me a little more about the .223, and share your views on the subject.



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I would've thought the .17HMR could handle that particular job, I think the .223 would be overkill for rabbit and hares. Standing by to be corrected though :oops:


seconded for rabbits a centre fire is expensive and definitely overkill. the HMR will kill any rabbit at 150 yards if you do your bit and has no problems with hares.

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i thought that the .223 would be abit much, i like the .17hmr but the .204 would give me that bit extra. what do you reckon to the .204?


I've never seen one never mind shot a .204. I can only tell you that on other sites there are lads getting on well with it, that is if they're giving accurate accounts :lol: I have heard some negative reports like Franks, but you'd have the option for reloading so I wouldn't see ammo as a problem. PM me your email address and I'll see if I can get ya more info :oops:


For rabbits and hares I still reckon the HMR would do for those ranges.

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By the sounds of it, the .17hmr will do for all your needs. Get use to that first then read as much as you can about the .223, ect, then when you feel ready, go for the .223 and dont look back, for fox and long range vermin, it the cheapest and most accurate to run. :lol:

I have even shot a few deer with mine, under spacial permit over here and plenty of wild goats. :oops:

The .223 that is.



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Alrite john




Cheers for the advice.

I fancy one because there a fairly new calibre, and i always like to try something bit different.


The other problem i might have is,would it interfer with me gettin a 220 swift on my licence in the near future. Being two simular calibre's.


Shot anymore of those aquatic foxes recently?

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By the sounds of it, the .17hmr will do for all your needs. Get use to that first then read as much as you can about the .223, ect, then when you feel ready, go for the .223 and dont look back, for fox and long range vermin, it the cheapest and most accurate to run. :lol:

I have even shot a few deer with mine, under spacial permit over here and plenty of wild goats. :)

The .223 that is.



Excellent advice ;) :blink:

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