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For hunting rabbits with an air rifle, you need the patience of Job!!


I lie up in a hedge back downwind from where they come out. Don't use hides as they spook at any change in surroundings. Just wear clothing which will blend in with the environment.


Bait doesn't work unless you regularly place it out (such as when using cage traps).

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i spent 6hours 1 time waiting for 1 rabbit.. got him in the end.. i just wait.. i will only wait if its a dull day and have nothing else to do :lol:

i tried carrots once.. they didnt come out though :lol: was only there for a bit.. i usually lie/sit in a gorse bush. or whereever i can where they cant see me but i can see them.

if you arnt very paesant set up and go to sleep for a bit. when you wake up there maybe something there for you :lol: worked a few times with me :lol: :lol:


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yeh.. read what i put :lol:

what HG said aswell is right (Y)

if you shoot on land you dont own. i advice you go and look at where you are going to go shooting and the surroundings and perimiter check you will be shooting in.. like check theirs no animals in fields nearby the shot might go into or if theirs buildings or anything that may be dangerous or harm anyone or anything. :lol: if you are used to the land and the surroundings and know theris no livestock about do it when you want to :lol:

just a word of advice to anyone else who reads this aswell and goes onto any other peoples land.


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:lol::lol: unlucky hg. if i go out around 2-3 i might try the sleeping thing.. but not much later. if i have taken a shot at a rabbit and there was 2 and i didnt have time to reload i will go to sleep until the next comes out- hopefully before i wake up and starts nibbling at the grass.


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Yer, you could fall asleep, but what if you snore real loud? :lol: wake up and there will be nothing!

What i do in a weat field for rabbits, you can tell where they go becuase the weat is really low cut and the tops have been nibbled. I hide about 30-40 yards away and wait! Make sure the wind is to my advantage! :lol:

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if i am going to eat/sell the rabbit i will make sure its not full size.i had a baby the other day by accident. it was the only 1 that stayed where it was from about 5 when i drove up to it on the quad. was very sorry for it.

anyone else noticed a different taste in Youngish rabbits and old rabbits?

young rabbits taste so nice :lol:


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