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BSA Supersport 2


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i have recently purchased the above gun. it also has a sight on it (think its deer hunter or something)

however, my shooting with this seems to be rubbish! i can hit targets etc but i miss more than i hit.

i have another no make cheap air rifle with just normal metal notch type sight on it and can hit targets no problem at all with it


any one got any tips on setting it up and shooting the BSA supersport?

its a .22



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does the gun need to be clamped in the same position whilst adjusting the scope?


just had a quick measure, at the moment the max i can get from me and the target is 21 meters. will this be enough to set it up? :)


well the closer to 30 yards the better,are you hunting?



Thanks steve

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does the gun need to be clamped in the same position whilst adjusting the scope?


just had a quick measure, at the moment the max i can get from me and the target is 21 meters. will this be enough to set it up? :)


well the closer to 30 yards the better,are you hunting?



Thanks steve


not yet, just the odd mouse or rat around the garden at the moment. not had permission to shoot on a farm or anything yet.

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20 yds is not good enough. unless you can stalk a rabbit to 15 yds!


use a carboard box to find out where shots are straying then work out to 30 yards, mines actually set to 35yds no problem.


so if its set at 35 yards, and the target is closer you aim lower right?

and if its further away you aim higher?

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been target shooting for a couple of hours on and off now, no matter how much adjusting and trying the pellet seems to go a different place every single time!


not sure if its me not holding the gun steady or what.



any one else had any experience with this rifle?

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I had a supersport and could hit a 20p at 30 yards with it fairly consistently! When you try to set up the sights, what position are you shooting from? Ideally you want to be prone (led down) and not touching anything hard. Rest your left hand (assuming you're right handed?) on something firm so you get a dead steady hold and the gun is level on the target without you feeling uncomfortable, but always hold the gun in your hands rather than rest it directly on something firm. Also make sure the cross hairs on the scope are perfectly vertical/horizontal to the rifle. Check the fore end screws to be sure they're tight because sometimes they can work loose. Use quality pellets (my supersport liked accupells) and don't rush your shots. Are you pulling your shots? When you pull the trigger try to squeeze it rather than pull it, and do it steadily and gently not sharply. Some of this may sound obvious, but I don't know how much experience you have so have mentioned the real basics as well. To get started you can zero at 20 yards. If you're shooting in the garden you're zeroing in then your shots will never need to be taken at any distance so I can't see it being a problem. When you get a farm to shoot over, just zero at 30 yards then! Do you know anyone with more experience than yourself that could try to zero it for you (this could help show if there's a problem with the gun because they will be able to tell more easily)?


EDIT...Fill in your profile! Someone on here may be local to you and could possibly help you :rolleyes:

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Hi I'm a newbie here and purchased a Supersport a few months ago to 'deal with' some rats who had been visiting my garden. I hadn't fired an airgun since my early teens, 20 some years ago.


I found the gun accurate straight out of the box without the scope. I'm only shooting at short ranges of 12 metres but with the scope it's far more accurate than I yet am.

However, at the weekend my shots started to go ever higher and slightly right. After cursing myself for my poor shooting I found that the scope mounts had slipped gradually due to recoil. In fact the rear mount had slipped far enough that it was slightly chewed up by the taper at the rear of the rail on the rifle.


So, I suggest that you check your scope mounts are well tightened as the kick of the rifle will cause them to move and make your shots stray.

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with springers mate you got to have a really consistant hold , or they,ll shoot different every time you pick it up .


as said try stock screws , mounts etc and start off close range say 10 yards and work your way out using good qual medium weight pellets ( H&N or superdomes around 14.5 gr ).

if it aint gonna group at 10 yards it aint gonna group.

just an opinion .



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