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I had arranged to go out lamping with my son tonight, but after recent lamping sessions and not seeing a FOX, we were half hearted about it, but we wouldn't spot any sat at home :lol::lol:

The Keeper has also been out several times and not seen any, but he uses a vehicle and i think they have gotten wise to it :lol:


I took the .22 for my son to use because every time we have been out, there have been a few bunnies we could of bagged if we had he rimmy with us, so hopefully tonight he would be kept busy if we didn't spot any foxes. I had my .222, and after some good practice on bunnies and crows during the last few weeks, i was happy if we did spot a Fox it wouldn't be getting away. :lol:


We got all geared up and headed for the first field, i had the lamp & my rifle, while my son just had the rimmy (won't make that mistake again ), scanning around we saw nothing, so gave a few squeaks on my call, and still nothing so we carried on walking and scanning the fields, and given out some squeaks. Nothing, not even any rabbits??? :lol:

We came to this one field that over looks a nice valley, and on with the lamp, there sat at 200 yards is a fox, i slid the rifle off my shoulder and got my Polecat bi-pod from it's pouch and put it on my rifle, looked back and the Fox had gone pulling back the red filter i scanned the field but saw nothing, i started squeaking, but still nothing. We slowly walked down the valley to get a better view, and there at the end of the field approx 500 yards away we could see it's eye's, so i called with my little mouse call, and the Fox headed back towards us.I gave the lamp to my son and then i led down to get ready, then the lamp went off because i had the battery the lead came out, so we fumbled about and out it back in Back on with the lamp and the Fox was still coming in.

Now because we had gone down into the valley a bit, i was lying downhill, but had to try and get level so i could get onto the fox, not the best shooting position but i had to do the best i could because i don't think it would of hung around long enough for me to get comfy.

Having previously scanned the area with my Leica 1200 in the daytime, i had a good reference point knowing that when the Fox got to that point i would be happy to take the shot. I was trying to get comfy, and then i was ready, but with my son now having the lamp i was getting glare back off my mod cover, so i had to tell him to adjust the lamp a little, then darkness, the lead came out again quickly putting it back in, we were back in action.


The Fox was sniffing about and didn't seem bothered, then it stood and looked at us, 206 yards i centered my cross-hairs and squeezed off my shot "Thwack", the fox dropping at my shot, the 50grain V-Max doing it's job. This is my longest known Fox, and i was really chuffed. The polecat bi-pod has made a huge difference to my shooting, and has given me extra confidence in my ability with my rifle.


My son didn't shoot anything, only saw one bunnie that was out of range!!!! **** law


Not the best pic, taken with my phone


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Well done Kip,


I can understand the frustrations of the lamp playing up - I spent £20 odd in Maplins in the week to fix that very same problem and have a backup + now if I am lamping solo I have the option to use a scope mounted and hand held lamp off the same battery. So I can scan with the handheld and then switch to the scope mounted without fiddling with wires.


Probably won't make a habit of it but it will be useful on occasions - especially sniping off a hay bale or vehicle roof.




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Deben battery and Lightforce lamp Kip?


I cut off those miserable connectors. I replaced them (on all my batteries including my Deben) with this type of set up in the photos below. No coming loose when they're bolted on :good:


And bolts don't melt like those yokes either :lol:


No ciggie lighter plugs or sockets either, straight to the source now.





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