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FAO visit first thing in the morning,

mr lee

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Don't really know why but i'm nervous as hell. :( Cabinet is fixed in. Insurance as a shooter all paid up for. Checked the air rifle isn't loaded about 12 times even though it is always discharged anyway prior to finishing using it. (Tis kept in the cabinet)


Kettle will be hot and a cuppa offered. :lol:


Going to be late for work but that doesn't matter. :lol: Just want to get the .17 HMR and the .22lr approved and I will be a happy bunny! Also got the shotgun to cross fingers for.


Put my application in for everything about 3 weeks ago. Had an informal chat with the processing guy who said everything looked okay and he personally couldn't see any problems with it. So now it's fingers crossed and hopefully a speedy return with my ticket. :lol:


Also checked I have the cabinet keys in my pocket virtually every 30 minutes. :lol:

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Looking good there, just be natural... and extremely honest and humble if you have any deep distant form. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you need answering and point out you are on an internet shooting forum where you can get guidance about almost any aspect of shooting.


If you feel up to it try and get around to asking if you are allowed to let a friend accompany you sometimes to see if they like it. I had this discussion with my first visiting officer, a real copper and shooter too. He was quite frank and indicated he knows it happens but its not strictly legal, "If there is no incident then we don't know ... Do we?" (he said smiling after a pause)


This is a good way to find out if he/she is pro-shooting, as a definately not reply would suggest they prefer less shooters around. You then know a bit about how tolerant they might be for future reference.


Anyway - get yer wallet handy :lol:

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Well he has been. :lol:


Said my security was very good, more than happy I am of sound body and mind.


Said the .22 and .17HMR won't be an issue and the .308 would only be approved for long range shooting for the first 18 months. He was happy for me to have the moderators due to the shooting over land permission we have too. :lol:


Once he reports back to his boss later today, he thinks I should have my ticket within 2 weeks. :(


If it comes through that fast then it's been roughly 6 - 7 weeks all sorted. :lol:

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