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Aguila Super colibri

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has anybody had or tried Aguila Super colibri?:good:?

I would like to get some to try as a close up rat round, yes I know I could use an air rifle but I all ready have several rimfire rifles and figure this would be a useful adition if it's any good??


Cheers guys! :exclamation:

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I'm always suspicious of using anything that poses any kind of risk to me. If one of these bullets got stuck up the barrel then another was fired on top, would the primer have enough power to do damage (ie blow the gun up)? I have to say though, if the bullet didn't exit the barrel, surely you would notice :yes:


There would be no impact disturbance on the quarry or backstop, which should give it away. I think it would be ok, as long as you were paying attention to this detail.

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Why not try CCI CB long? They run at 32ft-lbs at the muzzle so are not over powered, but at least have some energy to push them up the barrel. I don't know your situation, maybe even these are too powerful for barn use? Perhaps a cheap air rifle could be a better option, with the cost of ammo so low you'd pull back the cost of the gun if you shoot a lot.

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Why not try CCI CB long? They run at 32ft-lbs at the muzzle so are not over powered, but at least have some energy to push them up the barrel. I don't know your situation, maybe even these are too powerful for barn use? Perhaps a cheap air rifle could be a better option, with the cost of ammo so low you'd pull back the cost of the gun if you shoot a lot.


Would they cycle ok from a 10 shot bolt action? 32ft-lbs sounds good. Would they damage the throat of my rifle with lots of use??

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