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Game pie


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Most game pie recipes seem to be made in an 8 inch springform tin - here is a recipe for a 9 inch tin which makes a flatter pie that is easily shareable.


For the meat

1400g of mixed game cubed, minced fatty pork and bacon cubed (I used about 500g minced pork, 100g bacon and the rest was made up of venison and pigeon) - 1500g would fit fine as well 

Salt and pepper

Flavourings to your taste - I used Italian herbs and juniper berries

For the pastry

580g plain white flour

120g strong white flour

100g cold butter (the chefs always seem to use unsalted but I really do not find this necessary I just use salted as it is a savoury pie after all)

125g lard

250ml water

Salt and pepper

To seal and glaze

1 beaten egg


300ml boiling water 

1 sachet of powdered gelatine (or 4 leaves)

Flavourings of your choice (I used a level teaspoon of bovril, a splash of rick soy sauce, a splash of worcestershire sauce and a dash of fish sauce)


1. Preheat the oven to 200C/180C Fan/Gas 6 and grease the tin well with lard

2. Prepare your meat on a board and season evenly

3. Mix your meat - I put the meat into the bowl in layers to get good distribution then massage together well to get a good bind with the minced meat.

4. Mix and season your flours

5. Prepare your fats

6. Cube the butter - top tip is to dunk each slice in the flour then cube as this helps to keep the cubes separate

7. Rub the butter into the flour until it resembles breadcrumbs

8. Put water and lard into a pan and bring just to the boil stirring to ensure the lard has melted - I rough cube the lard to help then form a well in your flour, add all the water and lard mixture and mix with a spoon to form a rough pastry.

9. As soon as you can handle it knead your pastry briefly until smooth

10.Split the dough into 3/4 and a 1/4 (I weighed the dough and it was around 1200g so I split 900/300)

11. Roll out your base using the bottom of the tin as a guide to allow for just a little overhang of the edge

12. fold the base inwards from the corners so you can get the base underneath

13. replace the side of the tin

14. Form the sides of the pie ensuring you have no holes

15. in with the meat

16. Roll out the top and glue the sides with egg

17. Attach your lid and crimp all round - create a decent sized breathing hole just smaller than a pop bottle spout

18. Glaze the top with egg

19. Place on a tray and cook for 30 minutes then turn the oven down to 160C/140C Fan/Gas 3 and cook for a further 1 hour and 40 minutes

20. Once your pie is out of the oven and cooling you can make your jelly. Add your gelatine to your boiling water, ensure it is dissolved completely then add your flavourings of choice

21. After the pie has been cooling for an hour make a funnel from a 2l pop bottle and screw it down into the hole you made earlier - bear with me

22. Whilst lifting the bottle gently upwards to lift the pastry lid pour your jelly in until the pie is full - my pie took only a desert spoonful less than I had made

23. Once cool, refrigerate overnight to let the flavours develop and for the jelly to set properly





1 prepare tin.jpg

2 prepare meat on a board.jpg

3 mix meat.jpg

4 mix and season flours.jpg

5 prepare fat.jpg

6 chop butter.jpg

7 rub in butter.jpg

8 mix hot fat and water to form your pastry.jpg

9 knead briefly to a smooth dough.jpg

10 split dough 34 14.jpg

11 roll out base.jpg

12 place within confines of tin base.jpg

13 replace side.jpg

14 form sides.jpg

15 in with the meat.jpg

16 glue side with egg.jpg

17 attach lid, remove any excess pastry and form rim.jpg

18 glaze with egg.jpg

The rest of the images

19 cook and cool.jpg

20 make jelly.jpg

21 funnel.jpg

22 fill with jelly.jpg

Edited by 243deer
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