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Are Any Members Having Trouble Using Photobucket Or ImgBB ?

marsh man

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Up until last week the ImgBB photo uploading / downloading site was working perfectly fine , now you can only upload and cannot download or delete old photos , so I looked up Photobucket and as long as you keep the amount of photos under 250 it is again free , so I found my old password and managed to log again after leaving it several years ago , I have worked out how to upload a photo but cannot download it say to the Pigeon Watch sales section.

Any members use the  same sites and are you having any issues ?     THANKS

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6 minutes ago, humperdingle said:

I used to use Photobucket all the time, until they tried to impose high subscription costs, so haven't used it since.

As above. For some time I have received ramdom emails  demanding money ..or else ... my account will be deleted AND my photos deleted! ,!!!  It is some sort of scam.  Back when I uploaded the pictures I didn't delete my original so I still have them. Take no notice of this scam.

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