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Acceptable groups ?

auto culto

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first time trying the CZ527 .223 at a reasonable distance (300yards) so i,m not sure if these are ok or poor. I am using a 10x scope and still the target looks damn small so it was a case of lining up in the center of the target. What mag scopes do you guys use for this sort of distance ? As you can see from the pics there is one wild shot on both targets, could this be due to the barrel warming up ? The second target was shot by a differant person and still got the same result. The ammo was hornady 40g v max. These were the only 6 shots tried at this distance so with a bit of guess work i decided on 6 clics on the scope. the squares are 1 inch and the circles look to be about the same



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was shooting prone off a bipod in calm conditions using factory ammo (hornady 40g v max). I can normally get cloverleafs at 100yards if i,m shooting well. When on the target with the 10x mag scope i couldnt make out the target so it was a case of centralise the cross hairs on the center of the target. What mag is normally used for this distance ?

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You might find using higher mag will actually make things worse at that distance because any slight wobble will be exaggerated .If your passion is long range then go for using a heavier bullet and scope choice would focus more on the cross air .A standard hunters reticle placed on a lamped fox at night 200yds + looks great but in daylight I would imagine alot of the target would be obscurred .


Myself and a few on here shot the 200yd range at Bisley ,all acheiving around 1" groups as well :good: .Had it not been for the Foot N Mouth we would have been shooting the 300/600 yd ranges the very next day and I could have give you a answer based on personel experience . :good:

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its a 1 in 12 twist so i presume well suited for the lighter loads it groups well at 200 and the scope is primarily a hunting scope (pecar berlin 4-10 X 52) with fairly fat cross hairs. I've tried 2 other makes of ammo (remington and some other type) but they were terrible at 100 yards (2 1/2 inch groups), i suppose this doesn't mean they will be bad at longer range as they may take a while to straighten out. The shots were taken in groups of 3 with 30secs or so between shots. Its the first time I've bothered to see what its like at longer range as its purely a foxing/vermin rifle. I was just curious as to what it would perform like. Must admit it was good fun though and i,ll be looking at the ground with a view of stretching the distance safely :good: Its a bit addictive this distance shooting :good:

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its a 1 in 12 twist so i presume well suited for the lighter loads it groups well at 200 and the scope is primarily a hunting scope (pecar berlin 4-10 X 52) with fairly fat cross hairs. I've tried 2 other makes of ammo (remington and some other type) but they were terrible at 100 yards (2 1/2 inch groups), i suppose this doesn't mean they will be bad at longer range as they may take a while to straighten out. The shots were taken in groups of 3 with 30secs or so between shots. Its the first time I've bothered to see what its like at longer range as its purely a foxing/vermin rifle. I was just curious as to what it would perform like. Must admit it was good fun though and i,ll be looking at the ground with a view of stretching the distance safely :lol: Its a bit addictive this distance shooting :good:



If they won't group at 100 they certainly wont group any better at longer ranges... :lol:


Why are you going for the lighter round?? Get up to 50-55 grain bullets they will perform much better :good:


Don't forget when shooting at longer range WIND and elevation MUST be taken into account...


Take a look at this ballistic program for your rifle and see what bullet drop/windage you need to adjust for..


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You have a number of potential issues here, ammo has been mentioned and discussed, I would try 50grn AE's they work very well in CZ527's so you shouldn't go too far wrong with those - and they are cheap. 40Grn sound s a bit light for that sort of range?

AS Kip says start at 100 then 200 then 300


But the type of scope crosshair could also play a major part in what you are seeing.


How thick are the crosshairs at 10x mag on you scope?


I have a 2 scopes with variable mag, on one the crosshairs would probably obscure anything under 2-3" at 300 yards and the other would be nearer 5-6" maybe more I have never tried it. So IF I was looking to shot at 300 yards with either of those I would pick a target design that I pick up and hold in the scope, and a small red dot wouldn't be one of them.


It will come down to personal preference but I would look at something more like this? see what the others say..



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You have a number of potential issues here, ammo has been mentioned and discussed, I would try 50grn AE's they work very well in CZ527's so you shouldn't go too far wrong with those - and they are cheap. 40Grn sound s a bit light for that sort of range?

AS Kip says start at 100 then 200 then 300


But the type of scope crosshair could also play a major part in what you are seeing.


How thick are the crosshairs at 10x mag on you scope?


I have a 2 scopes with variable mag, on one the crosshairs would probably obscure anything under 2-3" at 300 yards and the other would be nearer 5-6" maybe more I have never tried it. So IF I was looking to shot at 300 yards with either of those I would pick a target design that I pick up and hold in the scope, and a small red dot wouldn't be one of them.


It will come down to personal preference but I would look at something more like this? see what the others say..





Good idea i never though about changing the target design. My cross hares looked to be between 2-3 inches at that distance. I was trying to balance them on the thick black lines but they were very faint.

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when i see thi diagnal pattern i might guess perhaps you are snatching the trigger a bit make sure you squeeze the trigger and hold after the shot is fired slowley release the trigger. another possibility is just the ammo you are using or how well the weapon is seated into the stock

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when i see thi diagonal pattern i might guess perhaps you are snatching the trigger a bit make sure you squeeze the trigger and hold after the shot is fired slowly release the trigger. another possibility is just the ammo you are using or how well the weapon is seated into the stock



I've bought some AE 50g today as lots of you have suggested it and boy are they cheap :good: shots were take with a set trigger that you barely need to touch before shot goes off and the action has been bedded. Just seem a bit strange the both were similar with one wide and high but both were taken by different people. I really need to bang a few down it to see whats what really as is difficult to tell with 6 rounds fired.

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