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hello all, i am sure members own a .410 shotgun well... i went rough shooting with the gun and some .410 gauges and the 2nd odd shot the gun wouldnt fire the pins hit the cartrage and make a dent in it but not enough power to explode if you get me? but i was wondering if any one else has had this problem in the past i am not sure what it is could be the mechanism or the firing pins that have gone but i have had it for ages and it has been a great wee gun soo cheers in advance :good:



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Hi, it could just be that the hammer spring has weakened over time and asuming the nose of the firing pin has not chipped or worn then the next thing is sometimes the primer in cartridges are set a few thou deeper than usual, ( or a harder primer than usual) are you shooting a different cartridge than usual?. If so try some from another batch first then you will find out the cause. Cheers

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hello all, i am sure members own a .410 shotgun well... i went rough shooting with the gun and some 12 gauges and the 2nd odd shot the gun wouldnt fire the pins hit the cartrage and make a dent in it but not enough power to explode if you get me? but i was wondering if any one else has had this problem in the past i am not sure what it is could be the mechanism or the firing pins that have gone but i have had it for ages and it has been a great wee gun soo cheers in advance :good:




Try putting 410 cartridges in it instead of 12 gauge as you state in your post. :lol:

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I presume this is a single barrel?


FIRST CLEAN. 90% of these sort of problems is due to sh.t clogging things up.



Check headspace - is the rim too deep? so making the pins reach too far to hit the primers (this is a usual scenario)




See if the action is loose ie is there a gap between barrels and action face. (Same effect as above)

If so it will need a new hinge pin.


If not it could be a worn pin or weakening spring.


Is the maimspring the sort that is a flat leaf with a hole at one end ? if so has the screw come 1/2 a turn loose so reducing the tension when cocked?


Pin - remove and see if the cutout that stops the pin travelling too far in either direction is burred or even shinny at the back end - if so relieve that point with a file (2 swipes) and refit - it will then travel a couple of thou further forward.


Otherwise strip and send nme some phots of the parts.

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ohh aye sorri about the 12 gauges :good: when i typed that post i was just bak from shooting the 12s all change it the now n its a o/u and the barrels are in mint condition (very clean) and there is no shaking when the gun is closed i think it is just faulty firing pins ill take it to the gunsmith next week cheers anyways :stupid:



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