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5 minutes ago, Fargo said:

What evidence do you need? Just look at whom they where and where from.

Hungary for example DOESNT have terror attacks as it doesn’t put up with certain people and moves them on creating a safe environment for their citizens

You state ' Fact is majority of terrorism Europe wide has been caused by migrants whether illegal or through an unfit system of entry.'

Then justify this by listing a few acts of terrorism. 

This may help you gather your thoughts. https://verfassungsblog.de/os5-migration-restrictions/

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2 minutes ago, 12gauge82 said:

While I believe the west has far bigger problems than illegal migrants and I certainly don't blame the individuals coming, but our government for allowing the situation. 

I don't believe it racist to say, integration is in large areas of the country failing. With some cultures having an idoligy quite incompatible with the west, particularly around women's rights, gay rights and tolerance of others religion.

Very correct.

Soon as you mention migrants and the sort you are branded like our friend oowee claims about me , racist but it’s far from it. Some are just blinkered to reality and truths 

1 minute ago, oowee said:

You state ' Fact is majority of terrorism Europe wide has been caused by migrants whether illegal or through an unfit system of entry.'

Then justify this by listing a few acts of terrorism. 

This may help you gather your thoughts. https://verfassungsblog.de/os5-migration-restrictions/

A German liberal personal view of something..

Not reality. 

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