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Abandoned Black Bird Eggs


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A black bird has built a nest and layed eggs (4) and hasn't been back to nest for a week. I was going to use the eggs to attract some magpies or crows down the farm.


1. Is this Legal?

2. Is it worth doing and what are the best tactics.


I was going to invest in a magpie deek and set it up with the eggs at it feet!!!!

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I think you will find it is illegal to take eggs from any nest of any species of British Bird as it is construed as collecting which is now banned in GB and carries quite harsh penalties.


I have never had much success with eggs as decoys, even chicken eggs.


Get yourself a plastic magpie deek ( I have found that because the birds are very territorial they will come to one deek rather than several) take the shine of it with 00 grade wire wool and set it up over a old raddit skin or carcass.


If you are using an airgun make sure the scope is zeroed specifically to the range of your decoy. and be ready to take a quick shot airgun or shotgun as the birds are super intelligent and wont hang around long if they suspect even the slightest thing is wrong.


If you are lucky enough to have several pairs in the area remove the decoy and set up the shot bird as realistically as you can. Invest about £6.00 in one of the metal decoy calls. I find these work really well.

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>I think you will find it is illegal to take eggs from any nest of any species of British Bird


I think you can take eggs of quarry species on the defra list, but again the blackbird isnt on it anyway and chickens eggs are prolly better

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