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suzy,s night out with the boys

Mrs Sweepy

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well what a night , its a long time since suzy has been aloud out on a saturday night . and boy did i have a good time .and like any typical saturday night for a good old essex girl i spent most of it on my back out in the countryside with a heavy breather(not sweepy) who really should watch what they eat .o well i must now go and be the good little housewife that i am and see to all my mens needs .but i shell be back to tell you all about it .and even better i have piccys too xxxxxx suzy

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and even better i have piccys too xxxxxx suzy


no point the mods are still keeping hold off the last one's .

send them by email to all forum members but leave the mods out :lol::P:)


i must now go and be the good little housewife that i am and see to all my mens needs


you have a pc in the kitchen or a long chain ?

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I also spent the night in the countryside last night on the Essex/Suffolk boarder. It was dark, went with a bang and the sparks really flew! Alas it wasn't with Mrs Sweepy but only a few fields away as we had a small fireworks display in Flatford. Sorry, had I thought I could have invited you......

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right first of all i am so sorry about the delay .whose men of mine can be so demanding . now where was i .o yes on my back in the middle of nowhere . well for starters my heavy breathing companion was my dog sammy . now i presume that you had guess that . and if not shame on you for having such a dirty mind . so what was i and sammy doing that involved us laying dead still in a hide by the water .we were DUCK SHOOTING .well watching anyway .it was both mine and sammy first time .and boy did we enjoy it .now many a time sweepy has offered to take me .but i have always said no .somehow sitting on the damp ground while being biting and having things crawl all over me has never been on my top ten list of things i must do before am packed of to the funny farm .but after last weeks disapointment with not being able to make the shoot . i really really wanted to get out and do somthing .i think sweepy was in shock for the rest of the day.when i told him i wanted to go . so their was i and sammy sitting not quite knowing what was going to happen next .in are cosy little hide. i really enjoy sitting their taking in all what was around me. worrying that if sammy panting got any louder i was going to have a load of angry guns bearing down on me . then it happen . now i always thought it was a case that a duck would fly down. and bang one less duck . o no it was like a chorus of guns going off .sammy look at me and i look at him. then they started to drop out of the sky .boy was i glad i had sweepys hat on my head .i some how felt protected from dead ducks falling and landing on me. then all of a sudden it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop . a call went up and guns started to emerge out of their hides . so i took this as a sign that i was not going to be killed by a dead duck .so crawl out of my hide . sweepy then sent mitzy into the water to retrieve the ones in the water and it was mine and sammys job to do the bank and ditches.when all the birds were collected .we then headed back to the farm house for a well deserved cup of hot tea and some biccys .afterwards it was time for me to enjoy the experience of lamping for a fox (which we did not see)in the back of a open truck .so now my poor body is the colour of a rainbow .so that was my night out with the boys . now i may be battered and bruised. and been been biting in places i can only find with a mirror .but i enjoyed every minute of it even when i thought i was going to throw up when the truck was jolting about .so all i can say to sweepy now is BRING IT ON this girl wants some action xxxx suzy

p.s would put piccys on but computer would not let me :lol: have to wait for sweepy to get home from lamping .

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