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The Theory Of Airgun Pellets


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After getting back into Airgunning, and quite enjoying the change from the shotgun.

I am in need of clarification... :D


I own two air rifles, AA s410 .177 Webley Axor .22 (6 years old)


I have used both in the last few weeks against the growing bunnie population.


I really can't get on with the .22 trajectory, I struggle to hit with it, and don't trust it. :lol:


The .177 is very accurate, but on impact fails to kill the rabbit, I end up chasing them round the field or looking down the burrow after them. :lol:


So, :lol::lol: Impact energy is what I need to drop the rabbit cleanly...Which is gained from weight and speed of pellet.


Crossman premier do a pellet, in .20, at 15.0 grains which is not far from .22.


Am I wrong in saying this will have a flater flight than .22 and still retain more energy than a 7.9grain .177



I'm interested in your comments, is this how it works or am I missing something :yp: :):D

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You are probably right about .20 combination. But if you having such troubles taken rabbits out with non-FAC airguns it may be a good idea to turn to FAC airguns instead ?

With these guns there are no problems with any of the airgun quarry plus you also can have a very flat flight of the pellet. But it is up to you !

Sometimes FAC airguns are the best choice for your hunting/pest control job !


Cheers - Bolta

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i use .177 at 12Flbs in a HW95 and have no problems at all with over penertration yes the pellets do go stright through the brain box, sometimes they run around not knowing that they are missing thier most important bit, but thats usually on the ones that have been a little spocked and ready to bolt. the ones munching crops tend to just fall over.


I have found very little difference using my .20 fenman though the hards things was to rember my hold over/under as was used to .177 in the field.


what range are you shooting out to?i kep all my shooting to about 35 yards.


you may find that a different pellet will pass more energy onto the target.


also you dont say if your going for the head shots? using a centre fire rifle on a rabbit is no problem really where you hit it. but air rifles because of the power levels involved (sub 12Flbs) have to be head shots.

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with regards to the heavey weight .20 crossman the tragectory is not going to be much different to the .22 as the velocity is going to be very similar (600fps max)as opposed to about 800 for .177


i use jsb exacts for .177 and .22 and find that H&N FTT in the .20 give the best results.


if you have a local gunshop where you can try before you buy see if they would let you have a go of a .20




ROB :yp:

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I have very few problems with .22 through my Falcon and would swear by it for hunting.


I would reccommend you download a program call CHairgun and use it as a reference guide for airgun ballistics. Basically, it tells you what the arcs are for your rifle's power and the pellet you use.


.22 (according to the program) has about 1 ft/lb more residual energy at 40m and tends to hold it better beyond that, but as you said, it's got more arc and it's easier to put a pellet over or under the impact area if you don't guess the range correctly.


I can't comment on .20, but some people I've spoken to swear by it as the best of both worlds.



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I used to own a sheridan pump up .20 air rifle a slow use but reliable and extremely accurate rifle it used to throw the pellets out at about 12ftpound if not a little slower. I used to use crossman accupells with it & had a tasco bantam 2.5 *32 mag scope on it and could hit bunnies out to 30yards no problems the .20 flew as flat as a pancake & hit harder than .22 or .177

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