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i bort 1 tin of logun penotrators and 2 tins of powa pell! It says on both tins 5.5mm!!! So how come the logun's are bigger???

Because i fired the loguns out 1st... NOW the powa pell dont fit there to small and some fall out when cocking, and are realy inconsistant!!!:yp: Does this mean i might as well loose the powa pell? or get a new barrel fixed?

I dont want to use 5.6 mm pellets!!



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.22 equates to 5.56mm. this means that if you put 5.5mm through a 5.56mm barrel you will lose some accuracy. Bare in mind that the machining accuracy on the manufactured barrel will be 10 fold better than that of the pellet. I would suggest using 5.56mm pellets this will not irradicate the variation in the pellet manufacture but I find it reduces the number of "sloppy" pellets and "flyers". I also use pellet lube to reduce the friction in the barrel, some people dont believe it helps, but my physics degree tells me it does!!!! :yp: :)

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hi there fishandshoot.co.uk


whats this about pellet lube i am hearing? Yes it reduces the friction in the barrel true, but this does not mean more power. The pellet may end up leaving the barrel befor all the energy of the air blast is imparted to the pellet, therefor less power! Surely your physics degree told you this! My physics masters degree did! :yp:

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Not bad going Mickey, 23yrs old with a physics masters. All you need now is another 15 years of application of your academia and you may be able to pass judgement on my theory.


By the way who mentioned that pellet lube increased power??? Not me, I said it reduced friction :D :yp: :):D


If you want a lesson on friction you'll have to pay the going rate!!! but i'm sure that IF you are fresh out of Uni. you can just about push to a tin of pellets with all those student debts :lol::lol:

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the biggest .22 pellet i know of would be 5.52 air arms field (they are sized (5.50 5.51 5.52 on the tins)


i have had a variety of rifles and only my gun power steath did not give a good grouping with these, and they are rated to 30 Flbs!


some where out there youcan get the trial packs of pellets which would give you i think 10 pellets of 40 makes! give them a try


and dont forget its not how tight they are in the barrel its how tight the grouping size is!


but i have never heard of a pellet in 5.56!

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DOH! i can be a little simple at times!


the reason i owuld not have heard of a 5.56 pellets would be that most barrels are made outside of britain now (though not too sure about BSA?) such as anchutz or walther barrles, and as europe is mostly on the metric system (i feel a pulp fiction moment "royal with cheese" :yp:) they produce the barrles to the metric equivalent which would be 5.5mm and aprat from anything else if my engineerign maths is up to standard i think you may even find that .22 converted to metric would be 5.588mm.


you dont say what rifle you shoot?

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Because i fired the loguns out 1st... NOW the powa pell dont fit there to small and some fall out when cocking, and are realy inconsistant!!!:yp: Does this mean i might as well loose the powa pell? or get a new barrel fixed?



What make of gun are you using?


It would have to have a barrel made of a material softer than lead for it to be affected by putting any lead pellet through it.


Find out the exact internal diameter of the barrel, it will probably be stamped on it somewhere or contact the manufacturers technical dept for information. Then buy the diameter of pellet suitable for you barrel


I have shot literally tens thousands of pellets of .22 calibre and these are 5.5mm nominal diameter which means within normal manufacturing tollerances can be 5.51 - 5.56 mm.


I would be very suprised if your barrel was actually 5.56mm and not 5.50mm


I am afraid I dont have a physics degree in any form but I do have a economics degree and a masters from the university of life and I can tell you that the accupell is in my opinion the best pellet on the market bar none, and pellet lube is a complete waste of money. It is a phsycological placebo and if you think it works it will probably seem like it. Keep the barrel clean after every trip and use a solvent cleaner regularly to remove lead from the grooves of the rifling.


Lead pellets leaving the barrel at that velocity generate heat around the skirt of the pellet causing perimeter meltdown and self lubrication. That is why lead is used because it is soft and dense. You may as well steep your pellets in chip fat its a lot cheaper!


My findings are based on actual trial use using 500 accupell fired from a .22 Logun axor. 38 pellets were rejected 200 fired at a 1" disc at 30 m treated with lube and 200 untreated. All fired indoors. The results were conclusive... No discernable difference at all!!


The maximum Chrono reading for both sets was 11.97.


Its like this Duralube stuff and Slick 50 engine treatments that are advertised on TV to reduce friction and increase fuel consuption and power... They just dont work. Duralube in particular are being sued in virtually every State in the USA!


Dont change the barrel there is nothing wrong with it!





Ps Dont throw the Powapells away mate I,ll have them !

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hi there fishandshoot.co.uk.


in a round about way you were refering to power :lol: . If the friction is reduced it is deduced that the velocity of the pellet increases :yp: . As the weight of the pellet remains the same it is simple maths that the power increases :D . But here comes the BUT. If the pellet leaves the barrel quicker than the air blast can impart all the energy, the pellet will loose power! :D:lol::lol:


Thank you Fisherman Mike for adding the theory of the pellet lubing itself when it melts going through the barrel, i had not thought about that but it definatly is a sound theory! :):lol:

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