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23 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

How is that court case going BTW ?


Sounds like its a free service for the good of shooting...Oh wait...

The BASC shotgun coaching line

… will be open to everyone for one-to-one lessons or experiences with a BASC coach.

Enjoy a lesson with a qualified coach and learn about eye dominance, safe gun handling, correct stance, gun fit, gun mount and how to hit a moving target. The fee includes the cost of cartridges, clay targets, eye and ear protection, and the loan of a shotgun and shooting vest.

If you have your own shotgun with you at the fair and you are experiencing problems with gun fit, please do come and chat with our coaches.

  • 16-year-olds and under: £10 for BASC members; £15 for non-members.
  • Adults: £15 for members; £20 for non-members.
  • As well as lessons, there will also be an opportunity for beginners and experienced shooters alike to shoot informally with a coach in our ‘shotgun experience’. £10 for 10 shots.

Try sustainable ammunition

Experience shooting with steel shot under the supervision of a qualified BASC shotgun coach. Experts will be on hand to answer questions. Open to anyone over the age of 16; ten shots for £10.


BASC Shotgun Safe Shot

The Safe Shot assessment was designed with the knowledgeable live quarry shooter in mind. Since the scheme launched at the CLA Game Fair in 1998, many people have taken the award and proudly wear their bronze Safe Shot pin on their shooting kit.

To be awarded the Safe Shot badge, you must complete:

  • a short multiple-choice question paper on safety;
  • an empty gun handling section, including crossing an obstacle; and
  • prove that you can load and fire the gun safely at a clay target from a shooting cage.

The Safe Shot assessment costs just £30 and takes 20 minutes of your time.

The BASC air rifle range

A ‘have a go’ shooting opportunity is open to everyone, with tuition from BASC coaches using some of the latest BSA air rifles. £3 for ten shots.

To answer your question on the legal action, further progress has been made with Defra so looks like more sites will come under general licence rather than individual licence:


As regards the various events and the costs - your cynicism is most tedious. Can you not look for the positives and be supportive rather than constantly looking to undermine and find the negatives? Maybe turn over a new leaf and make these threads a more positive experience.

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4 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

To answer your question on the legal action, further progress has been made with Defra so looks like more sites will come under general licence rather than individual licence:

Thats good news if it comes to pass, but I didnt ask you about further progress, I asked you about the legal action, for DEFRAs 'unlawful' actions.


5 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Maybe turn over a new leaf and make these threads a more positive experience.

'Physician, heal thyself'

Why dont you try answering straightforward questions, then we can all all have a more 'positive' experience ?

Most of these threads would be over in a few pages if you did this.

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1 minute ago, Rewulf said:

Thats good news if it comes to pass, but I didnt ask you about further progress, I asked you about the legal action, for DEFRAs 'unlawful' actions.


'Physician, heal thyself'

Why dont you try answering straightforward questions, then we can all all have a more 'positive' experience ?

Most of these threads would be over in a few pages if you did this.

I don't have information on the legal action itself - if we were to publish something I would share it. I do answer questions. Its just that some of you don't like the answers.

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13 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

I don't have information on the legal action itself - if we were to publish something I would share it. I do answer questions. Its just that some of you don't like the answers.

What answers ? :lol:

Your replies usually take the form of a link to a BASC page Ive already read, which doesnt provide the answer !

Remember when I asked you how much was in the fighting fund, and what it had been spent on , 16 pages and we never got an answer, with you eventually doing what youre doing now 'I dont know'
Why couldnt you just say that in the beginning ?
I mean its far too much trouble to call a colleague and ask them isnt it ?

I have noticed you rarely post on the SD these days, tough crowd ?
This post from friday, in which you are asked for comment , ignored, even though it contains very relevant information.


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10 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

What answers ? :lol:

Your replies usually take the form of a link to a BASC page Ive already read, which doesnt provide the answer !

Remember when I asked you how much was in the fighting fund, and what it had been spent on , 16 pages and we never got an answer, with you eventually doing what youre doing now 'I dont know'
Why couldnt you just say that in the beginning ?
I mean its far too much trouble to call a colleague and ask them isnt it ?

I have noticed you rarely post on the SD these days, tough crowd ?
This post from friday, in which you are asked for comment , ignored, even though it contains very relevant information.


Here we go again with your misinformation campaign... I directed you to the available information but you wanted some kind of full audit. This is an internet forum. Not a series of public inquiries. Do you work for an organisation or are you self employed? As for SD I usually post the same updates on there as on here. And there were no issues regarding the podcast post or this update over there. Were you banned? 

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1 minute ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Here we go again with your misinformation campaign...

And there go the toys...


1 minute ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

 I directed you to the available information but you wanted some kind of full audit.

I asked for a figure, that was too much trouble for you, then you got insulting.
I asked you for a rough figure of what BASC spent £400,00 on , insults , and a lame attempt to 'read the accounts'
Then an admission they werent in the accounts, but there were some very happy hen harriers.
In effect, no answers.


5 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Do you work for an organisation or are you self employed?

I work for MI6 if you must know.


6 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Were you banned? 

Why would I be banned Conor, did you try ?

9 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

And there were no issues regarding the podcast post


This one that no one could find because you put it in the wrong section ?

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8 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

And there go the toys...


I asked for a figure, that was too much trouble for you, then you got insulting.
I asked you for a rough figure of what BASC spent £400,00 on , insults , and a lame attempt to 'read the accounts'
Then an admission they werent in the accounts, but there were some very happy hen harriers.
In effect, no answers.


I work for MI6 if you must know.


Why would I be banned Conor, did you try ?


This one that no one could find because you put it in the wrong section ?

Fair enough. Back on the phone call only list it is for you then.

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18 minutes ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

Fair enough. Back on the phone call only list it is for you then.

Why would I talk privately to someone who wont talk to me in public ?
Yet again youve failed to address a single thing Ive said, why would you be different on the phone ?

Ill make this really simple Conor, what is your opinion of Green and Pain being on the RISEP panel ?
Could you at least give your personal opinion on that please ?

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6 hours ago, Conor O'Gorman said:

I do answer questions. Its just that some of you don't like the answers.

In fairness Conor you partially answer questions and you do deliberately omit to address the main point of questions consistently. You do occasionally ignore some questions asked altogether if they are inconvenient. I appreciate a lot of the work carried out by BASC and I don’t expect that the politics of defending shooting ,that you are part of ,allows policy to revolve around my expectations.
I do think it would be to your advantage to answer all the uncomfortable questions however in the expectation that readers will appreciate the honesty and perhaps grasp the position that BASC and yourself are now in. As you stated earlier it’s all right to be wrong but you don’t have to continue building on that base. Far better to concede ground temporarily on some issues then tackle what’s ahead with the best interests of shooters at the heart of your actions otherwise BASC becomes an organisation unfairly labelled only by its mistakes . By not putting the past to bed and moving on you’re destined to be trapped in the cycle that you find yourself in now and that’s not helping BASC . Alternatively by dealing with questions honestly as they arise you will save yourself lot of grief and may find those troublesome threads reduce in size from 20 pages down to 10. 

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2 minutes ago, Konor said:

I do think it would be to your advantage to answer all the uncomfortable questions however in the expectation that readers will appreciate the honesty and perhaps grasp the position that BASC and yourself are now in.

This. Is the crux of the matter.
I dont doubt Conor is a decent man, he is without a doubt passionate , but I believe his hands are tied by BASC policy to not answer certain questions with clarity.
As Ive said in previous threads , this leads to doubt of trust in BASCs true aims in the lead debate.
It leads to erosion of trust in BASCs ability to put up a fight...For anything really.

If they just said , 'Look, lead in shooting is going to be gone by the end of the decade, prepare for this, theres literally nothing we can do to change government(s) policy' , I would feel that at least they are being honest.
But we have this spin put on it, that its not going to be statutorily banned, we just have to stop using it, and we can save a few birds from lead poisoning and create a healthy market for game blah blah.
Its just rubbish, and I feel like were being taken for fools.

I appreciate Conor is likely not authorised to say this in public, hence maybe the phone call thing ?

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4 hours ago, Rewulf said:

I dont doubt Conor is a decent man, he is without a doubt passionate , but I believe his hands are tied by BASC policy to not answer certain questions with clarity.

Steady on Rewulf our contributions are starting to sound a bit too Conor appreciative/understanding. How am I going to spend all my free time if I haven’t got an argument to attend 😂 Seriously though I think people are keener to accept honest answers and move forward on that basis than have their concerns never addressed. It just takes a bit of faith to trust people with the truth.

I don’t think we get that ,information is power as they say and politicians or would be politicians like keeping hold of that power ,sharing it almost emasculates them.

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1 minute ago, Konor said:

Steady on Rewulf our contributions are starting to sound a bit too Conor appreciative/understanding. How am I going to spend all my free time if I haven’t got an argument to attend

Theres always the next thread :lol:


2 minutes ago, Konor said:

 Seriously though I think people are keener to accept honest answers and move forward on that basis than have their concerns never addressed.

Exactly my point.
If you cant answer something honestly, or even comment, say so.
We arent stupid, and lying is the lowest of insults, the erroneous belief that you will believe any old tripe youre told.

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