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Where the pigeons?

pete b

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Hi All

Can anyone on the Wirral or nearbye, please tell me where the hell the pigeons are?!!!

I can't work out what they're feeding on, they don't seem to be hitting the rape on my permissions and htere doesn't seem to be a lot of acorn/beechmast around.

Any ideas?!!

Of course it is just possible that I've been too wrapped up in work recently to invest the time to do proper observations.!! :welcomeani::welcomeani:

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I was beating over at Wilington yesterday - just south of the Wirral, and there were loads of pigeon about!

The ones that were shot were full of all sorts, grain, mast, berry bits & bobs. Although we have had a couple of frosts the weather is still a bit on the mild side, so there is still plenty of food about - just a case of keeping at it



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there all around gloucestershire thousands of them never seen so many pigeons for winter time five of us went out roosting to nite and they said never seen so many pigeons like this for years we had 57 to nite great nite had by all :welcomeani:

I dont get down around your way as much as I used to :welcomeani: but we seem to have plenty around Worcestershire aswell all the pigeon lads I know are saying they've never seen so many pigeons. They are all feeding on hawthorn berries/clover/old stubble and a few are just starting on the rape.

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I no but im not telling :lol::lol::lol:


Thanks for that Magman!! Can't blame you, mind you the way I'm shooting recently, I'd be no threat to your pigeon stocks!....



Kicked someone off last week for poaching so checking land daily now and the pigeons are starting to build up again :welcomeani:

he was told if seen on there again it will be a 999 call for armed trespass :welcomeani:

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The ones around Hertfordshire where I shoot are all deep in the woods eating ivy berries. The last few I've shot had their crops absolutely stuffed with green berries. Very hard to get them out of the woods and there's too much undergrowth for decent roost shooting. I'm only getting one or two each time I go out.

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Tried yesterday on some stubble they have been on in numbers but not much good conditions were perfect though they do seem to be hanging around the woods now and not really wanting to leave still to many leaves on the trees to have a proper go roost shooting.

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