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What the ***!!!


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As you may know I have set up my own web site its a big online trophy room were you can display pigeon bags deer and foxs and stuff, and recently recived this E Mail about it.


Dear Mr Goodchild,


I represent the magazine 'W4', one of the country's leading internet

publications, who have been teaching people about the internet and helping

them to get the most out of it for the last five years. Every year we hold

a prestigious competition to find the best and the worst sites on the web,

and we are delighted to inform you that your website,

www.geocities.com/hunterdaveuk, has been nominated for an award in the

ugliest website category. We would be delighted if you, along with a

friend or partner, could attend the awards ceremony at the Hilson Hotel in

London on the 10th of November, details of which we will be glad to

forward you. If you wish to know more about us, and about the awards

themselves, please look on the awards website.

We look forward to seeing you on the day.

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Well I dont know if this a joke or something but it aint funny and if it is some ones gonna have a few grams of buck shot in em. My dads all up tight because Im not supposed to give my E Mail away and god knows how they found my name out Im thinking of geting rid of my web site.  :what:

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Just ignore it BigDave..........don't bother with a reply.........your websites something you have done, & you should be proud of yourself!.......Surely it's better to have that as an interest, rather than going out & getting yourself into trouble!........ :D

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BigDave, I did a Google on "W4" and a few variations and I couldn,t find anything about an Internet magazine.


If it was me, I would contact them.......find out if there is a "prize" involved........are there free food and drinks at The Hilton..........are you allowed to invite a lot of your friends to share your moment of glory.

It might also be worth mentioning that over 400,000 of your friends went to London for a walk.

How many would turn up for free food and drink ? :D :D :D


Alternatively, just ignore it, sounds like a poor joke/hoax thing anyway.

Do you have any schoolfriends with a computer and a warped sense of humour? :D

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Dam I cant belive I fooled for it someone sent it to me as a joke something to do with a website  I only found out because They e mail me a link to some website.

But who the hell could of done that none of my friends know my website because they usally buger it up if I give them the adress.

I think it could have been one of you lot

:D na just kidding.

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