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Gun Prices....


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:D I have been on the look out for a "used" beretta 682 E Gold for a while now - as Meandassy will tell you after being dragged round most of Kent - ...


I went to a shop (no names mentioned) to find they had two of the spec. I was after, one new and one used. :D


On inspection (not even a close one) I found the "pre-owned" one must have been used for banging fence poles in with.


The inside of the barrels was so scored it reminded me of an 18th century BLUNDERBUSS, I don't know about lead/steel I think more like iron nuts and bolts..


The stock was not unlike the tree in the local park into which courting couples carve their names.


And there was a chunk missing from the end of the top barrel which could have easly housed a hundred BATS    :D  :D  :D


The thing which made the pair of us laugh....It was a massive £50 less than the new one next to it.....what a cracking deal




Needless to say I after a quick chat with Meandassy I decided they could ******g keep it.... :D



I then went to my regular shop, and after a grilling for even thinking of going elsewhere, I brought an almost immaculate 682 and a brand new 686 20bore for alittle over £2000.


Why do some shops feel they can charge way over the odds for such tat..:D? :D  :D


:D  :D Also (im on the soapbox now, i'm not getting off it!!)


boots:-  in the shop £75   -   on the net  £99    why..why..


:grumpy:  :grumpy:

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Hope them boots were PVC thigh length jobbys for the missus D E D !!! :D

But i'm with ya about been ripped off for guns etc, I figure u folks that live down south should take a look across the English channel and have a look at the price's in France.I have been trying to get price's for Italian shotguns from italy (yes i know how it sounds doh . where else ) on the net, without any luck.

Kinda makes you wonder how much a dealer makes on guns and carts. etc...

Makes u wonder about a "buying ring". The farm where i work, buys chemicals from a "buying ring" and "we" have found that it works out much cheaper as we are buying chemicals in bulk straight from the makers.


Yorkshire lads come on here i'm willing to ring Gamebore up for a price on how many 1000's of   clear pigeon.


  all the best

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It does make you wonder how some shops get any trade atall,when i was in the market for a new Beretta i phoned around loads of shops all over the place to compare prices,some of the prices were unbelivable (200+ extra on a 850 quid gun).I know everyone has to make a living but i suppose its up to us to vote with our walletas :what:

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I have never paid the asking price for a gun (oh just the hushpower). Get to know the real market price, go into your local shop offer what you think its worth, if they say no, ask for a free gunslip and 100 cartridges to be thrown in. If the answere is still no and your sure they are over charging walk out. It helps if you are a regular customer.

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