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gun fitting


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hi guys

iv finaly got my sgc and am heding off at the weekend to try get a gun, probably a silver pigeon 3 or a 686e, i want to get it rite from the start so i was wondering about gun fit, how much dose it cost to have a gun fitted, do i gat a gun and then have it altered to fit or get fitted and buy one to suit, a good explaination would be most appreciated, i was thinking of going to york guns as they seem to have a good selection, i emailed the about gun fitting and they said they could do a genral fit but if i wanted it doing properly they could recomend someone, or would a genral fit do, i mainly plan on shooting D. T. L and sporting clays,

kind regards, Lee

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if your going to be shooting sporting and dtl it is important that you get a muti choked gun probaly 30" barrels as well .Dont walk into the shop to get a berretta just because you like the look of it ,it may or may not be right for you ,have a play with everything on the shelf thats fits your criteria before you decide.

good luck

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Last time I had a gun fitted it cost me about £60 but it didn't need a lot doing. A lot depends on how well your weapon of choice fits up to you in the first place as to the amount of fitting it will take. To fit it they could adjust any or all of the stock length, comb height (where it comes up to your cheek) or the cast (the straightness or otherwise of the stock). An adjustable stock is a nice option to have especially as a newcomer, however they can be quite expensive to have retrofitted & few guns come with them as standard (some brownings do, like my cynergy & some xs models) but they tend to be the more expensive.


Theres a couple of other places having a look at such as Swillington, however getting good advice is the hardest thing. If you have a word with Bob Agar at Yorkgate shooting ground he would go along with you (think he charges around £50 for it) & you'll get first hand advice as to whats a good buy as well as how it fits. PM me for his number if you dont have it.

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