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PC Help wanted - Vista


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Hi All,

Wanted to pick your collective brains on a problem on my mate Ron's new laptop which has got us stumped. His lappy is a Dell something or other dual core machine with a two disk raid set running Vista premium. The problem is with Adobe Photo Shop Elements 6, he has had so many problems loading it. This afternoon while I was there he hosed the HDD and reloaded Vista so that it was a virgin machine. He then proceeded to load PSE 6 as Administrator. The program loads OK, indicates that a successful load has taken place and that the PC must be rebooted. This is duly done. Now the problem starts, you need to start up PSE 6 to input the license key, it won't start, no way, no how. At the moment there is no anti virus loaded so it is not that causing a problem. Adobe don't know what to suggest and Microsoft don't want to know as it was bundled OS loaded by a manufacturer. Any suggestions before the PC is shipped back to Dell to be put in a warm moist place???


Thanks in advance.

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Ditch Vista and install Xp, sorted all my problems out on my Dell laptop, runs 4x faster as well!


That was the other conversation we had, he was going to see if Dell would give him XP as the laptop is only about a week old and Vista in this case is not fit for the purpose it was supplied for. (Vista is painfully slow isn't it)

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That was the other conversation we had, he was going to see if Dell would give him XP as the laptop is only about a week old and Vista in this case is not fit for the purpose it was supplied for. (Vista is painfully slow isn't it)

As wookie says MS put pressure on all manufacturers to ship Vista but the take up hasn't been that great - especially in the corporate market.

'XP Downgrades' as MS call them are now available from all the top brands, in fact some ship Vista pre-installed with XP CD/DVD's in the box, and I thought Dell led the way with that one, obviously not.

I really wouldn't try the 'fit for purpose' line, manufacturers absolutely hate that, just call them up and ask for XP recovery media, they should sent it out to you no problem.

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I personally don't like Vista, though the laptop I bought Mrs P has Home Premium installed and she's not really noticed any issues with it. That said, she uses office, plays the odd game of solitaire, plays the odd dvd and listens to music on it.


Until any new Mickeysoft product has been beta tested by early adopters and then a service pack(s) released, I wouldn't use it myself.

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I quite like it all on my home notebook, in fact I like it a lot.

The 'slow' stories I suspect are from woefully under spec'd machines, it runs absolutely fine on mine.


I do run XP on any other PC's notebooks etc.


BTW Vista Service Pack 1 is due out anytime now.


MS have an issue that XP is pretty good and well sorted, getting users away from that will be hard for them.

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I'd go with Wookie and others who say ditch Vista if you can. I've had endless problems with Vista on a new laptop - for example I can't log into my work e-mail from home now, because Vista is not compatible, whereas I had no trouble with XP. This is a swine as I often try to squeeze in working from home every now and again so I can disappear for two hours shooting during the day!


I also experience a problem with Vista in that if I leave the cursor hovering over a site or a button for too long it automatically left clicks that button and I find I'm in a site I don't want or even worse that I've started to order something online that I haven't decided to buy.


Vista is dangerous and bloody irritating.

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