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Isp aol

highdowns hunter

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just wondering if any of you are having problems with AOL being slow.

It seems to be getting slower each week

I have de-fragmented got rid of history and temp internet files  My pc has lots of memory and is quite quick But AOl keeps crashing and takes about 3 to 4 mins to log on

Could this be a ploy by AOL to get me to purchase their broad band system I wonder :evil:  8-)

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I'm on aol and i'm not that impressed to be honest,my biggest gripe is getting cut off for no apparent reasion and with no warning,this happens quite often,i think they do it to update your computers files as when you sign back on a little counter goes from 0 to100%.Usually it isnt a problem as i'm only on here talking to you lot anyway :D  but it has happened at important times in the past,ie while i am in the middle of bidding on ebay in the last few moments of an auction :D  :D  :D

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If you want to check your broadband connection speeds go to ADSLGuide.org and take the "speed test".

Its very interesting, the fluctuations there can be in your connection speeds, throughout a day.


I am currently downloading at 440kbps and uploading at 263kbps.

A heck of a lot better than the old 56k modem, where I was lucky if I could download at 48kbps.


Freeserve Broadband Rules OK.

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