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what age to start off young guns?


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what age do you think is ok for kids to start shooting i took my lil boy out target shooting to day and he loved it he's only 5 i thought it would be ok cuz i used to shot my unkles air rifle and my borther old air pistol at that age.we got 2 woodys aswell

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I was started off at 10 by my uncle I then learned to shoot small bore & centifre at 13 with the cadets.

That was about 15 years ago now in this day & age I dont know what woud be classed as socialy acceptable & what would be seen as acceptable in the eyes of the law.

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Personally, I feel that 5 is a little young to be handling guns, albeit low power and supervised. Accidents can happen all too quickly. I would think that 10 or 11 is a good age.


My own son only showed any interest when he was 16 or so, he is now a good shot, but is more interested in 4x4s, women and expensive holidays.


My friends son started to join us when he was 10 with a shortened stock .410, but the lad was a bit weedy, and even this was too much for him. A year or so later he was not much better. He has now got the fishing bug. Which means no old buck; no lip; and more pigeons for me.


I feel that at 5 years of age it would be good to involve the lad with all the perifferal matters, but no weapon contact. Too early an intrduction could easily induce a flinch etc that could put the lad off shooting for life. You cant be too careful especially with younguns.



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I started when I was 8 with an Investarm .410 O/U, I then got a Master 12g sbs when I was 10 and shortly after shot my first ducks, a left and right at Mallard. At the time I was the youngest person in Strathclyde to get a shotgun certificate. 18 years later I'm still going strong.



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it was just one of those bb guns that fire plastic balls i wanted to get him ,as i have a bb pistol that him and me shot for hours in the garden and he loved it when he shot my air rifle i had to hold it obviously and i was always 1 ft away when he was using my pistol.


maybe i'll wait till he's 8.

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what if i shoot myself in the eye?

why would he shot himself in the eye?

i think he knows not to shoot himself in the eye!

he aways point it at the ground!

he'd be wearing googles if i bort him a bb gun!

im not getting him one until he's 8 or so now anyway

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Personally, I would not let any child under the age of 11 (secondary school age) handle a gun, even with very close supervision.


I shot my first shotgun at 11, and it was with my great grandad's rickety 12 bore hammergun and it about knocked me over backwards. I broke a clay with my very first shot, and I will never forget that moment!


I do believe that shooting teaches youngsters responsibility and discipline, and that many of them are more consciencious than some adults.


Much depends on the maturity and the upbringing of the individual concerned.


I think BB guns and kids do not go together. In fact, as my parents and their parents before them did, I do not believe that kids should have any toy guns including cap guns, or be allowed to play pretend shooting with each other (except maybe water pistols). My grandad used to go crazy if anyone so much as pointed a stick at anyone else, and he was right to do so.

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i started usin me grandads crappy rifle at 11 just at targets but hey was borin

soooooo i got a co2 bolt action rifle to go huntinm with livin things are much more fun than targets (dont mean to sound sick or anything i meant woodies n rabbits not people by the way :lol: ) n now im 16 n i shot a few 22 rimmies n a shot gun n found them much more fun....im hooked on hunting for life :lol:

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'what if i shoot myself in the eye?

why would he shot himself in the eye?

i think he knows not to shoot himself in the eye!


theres an old saying that goes "if it can happen it will"

ak47 never be the one that allows it to happen ,i would listen to the advice of HG

11 is the earliest age i would let any child handle a firearm,


it would be a sad day if your next post started "on the way to the hospital........."


saftey always comes first regardless.


safe shooting all


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To reiterate what Last Engineer said Theres another good quote I heard once and it's stuck with me and it's "Well thats never happened before".


It's a shame most people learn the hard way.


I look after an 11 year old once or twice a month and have done some plinking with him on numerous occasions which he thoroughly enjoyed. After a bit more gun awareness and and safety training for wont of a better word took him along to the clay traps on the estate I live, after a bit of a chat about the gun etc I let him have a shot of my 12 with a light load. Poor little ****** landed on his ****, so we're sticking to the plinking now.


Don't worry there was only one cartridge in the gun when he fired so no chance of accidental discharge!!



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