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Magnet speed


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I have just started pigeon shooting and have stumbled accross this fantastic website. :)


I have looked through the last years worth of information about pigeon magnets and discussions seem to be mainly on where to put the thing and how heavy it is. I cannot find any info on how fast the thing should turn. Which iam sure is as important as where you stick it (no pun intended)


Any help would be appreciated

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Welcome to the Forum James. I dont think there is a definative answer to this question.


I have a Pinewood advantage magnet which I have adapted with the help of a electronics genious friend of mine to run at various speeds slower than the manufacturers norm. and stop, without leaving the hide. This has involved a low resistance cable between the battery pack and the hide with a variable resistor control ( so I am told ) similar to that used in a scalextric hand set used to reduce or increase the motor speed.I have experimented with different rotor speeds the past year or so and the results have been pretty inconclusive.


When it has been windy and birds are flying at speed I have had the rotor going maximum speed so as they do not miss it and subsequently my decoys.


When it has been still and the birds are flying sedately I have had it on the slow speed. Dont be afraid to stop it sometimes as this can work well when the birds are a bit wary of something moving.


The important thing is the way you mount the decoy birds on the cradles of the arms. As a Ornithologist I know that the white wing bars are the "Flag" for the aerial birds and I occasionally use a couple of homemade flyers with exagerated wing bars to exentuate this. But remember that the bars may also be used as a warning signal by the birds as they sometimes flare their wing bars on take off if things are not right. The bars are not just a Males attraction measure as both sexes have them.


I used them to great effect last year pulling in birds from distance in an area where 2 other guns were shooting with me. My electronics friend is currently building me a radio controlled servo assisted controller for the power pack which I hope to be able to use without the cable. Whether it will materialise remains to be seen.


I cant help thinking that this decoying lark is getting a bit over complicated though and I must admit my best days last year were when I reverted back to basics with a well laid out decoy pattern of shell and full bodied deeks a couple of springers a good hide and the rotary left at home.


If you have a speed control on your rotary. experiment and observe the results.


Good Luck



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Hi all,

Your right FM this game seems to be starting to use all kinds of gizmos to get pigeons into the killing area, what next a free flying remote control pigeon that circles over head at 100ft.


I am new to game game myself as most will know but I think the magnet with deakos new flapper gizmo should be as far as we need to go, I'm mean look at Archie Coats.


James if you are shooting in areas that have been hammered with the magnets then you will get better results with what FM mentioned, just a few decoys on the deck.


Welcome James to the site, visit regular and you will pick up a wealth of tips and tricks to improve your bags.





The PM

Happy woody shooting

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Very interesting comments


I wonder if there are parrallels with fishing, I used to go a lot 25 years ago and was recently chatting to a keen fisherman and I became bewildered with all the techno he was using. Are we heading the same way?


But I do like the sound of radio controlled speed on my rotary

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I also use a Pinewood Advantage rotary and have never felt the need to vary its speed at all.

So, mine goes round merrily at whatever speed Pinewood set it at.

I haven,t noticed the speed affecting its pigeon pulling power.


I do believe that canting the decoys outwards, so that the white bars on the wings show up well, is the best way to set them on the rotary.


The "back to basics" approach seems to be working more and more effectively.

With just some floaters and ground decoys doing OK.

Certainly less to carry.


However, I fear that (like certain branches of fishing...notably carp fishing), pigeon shooters are being turned into "tackle tarts", people that think having the lates gadgetry makes up for basic fieldcraft and knowledge of their target.

Buy all the electronic gear and become an instantly successful pigeon shooter ?.............................I think not. :)

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thanks guys, i will try some various speeds as i should be able to knock up something at home.

I have come to the pigeon shooting circuit from fly fishing and as we say there is more equipment that has caught fisherman then will ver catch fish. Glad to see shootings no different. Its part of the fun sorting the C**P from the useful equipment.



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