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Just phoned the farmer and he has informed me that rape and grain fields are being hammered. So I know what I am doing for the next two days. Also borrowed a pair of labs and I hope to keep them very, very busy. WOOHOOOOOO :lol::lol:





PS wont be able to post for some time as I will have a sore shoulder. :lol::lol::lol::D:lol:

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If the weather takes a turn for the hotter be sure to take some water and a bowl for the pups to drink from. Sounds like you'll be having a good time - i've got something similar lined up for when i return from holiday in early august - should be good.

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Dev, Teal, Mike,


shoulder ok :lol: Did 58 before rain stopped play unfortunatley I fired 150 odd carts :lol:


Labs were brilliant in the hide and took it in turns to collect without me telling them. Wish I could swop my kids for them :lol:


Going back tommorrow to finish off keep you posted.


LB :lol:

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my new 12b dont fit to good. its 1 inch short, so im getting a 1inch extension of padding of a friend, he used to fit them to guns for the UK Clay Team.

good luck with the shooting,

if your shoulder hurts try a smaller load, like 30gram or 28, i find 30gram has less kick than 28, :lol:


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Part 2.


Weather good and breezy shot from 11 to 4-00pm. I spent 120 odd carts and brought down 72 woodys and 8 corvids. Sadly no dogs today but my son collected for me.


I gave him a biscuit :lol::lol::lol: Shoulder held up ok mike :D


Now to tell the wife I am going every night this week :lol:




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