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hushpower shotguns


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I have a .410 Hushpower with an Atom Tracer on it, and will be out in an hours time if it stops pi55ing down.


It has its limitations, but is useful and does not disturb much. They are a bit addictive


I have even broke a few clays with it when I first got it to see what it shoots like.



Dave 66

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I've got a .410 Hushpower

really quiet and portable, prices for carts are 5-7gbp a box for carts depending whether fourten or 3"magnum

pokey little gun out to about 30 yards













I'm biased as I have one for sale <_<


230 incl 200plus carts and a cleaning kit do a search on here and it'll come up with pictures


hopefully link is here:



cheers H

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I've a 12g hushhy - its takes a bit of getting uesd to as the barrel is like a drainpipe but once you get past that it works well. I did take it to the clay ground when I first got it to practice & got the **** taken a lot!


The 12g subsonics are easier to get hold of than the 410's & it has more stopping power which is what attracted me to it (I use it for bunnies). Noise wise its far quieter than a regular shotty but by no means silent - probably equivalent to an unsilenced air rifle. Cartidge prices are comparable to other game rounds (£56 per 250 at just cartridges which is the same as VIP's)

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I love my Hushpower. Have used the 12g pedretti and the Baikal when I traded it in.I get jobs shooting stuff in gardens and dont have to worry about noise. I use it on my own shoot too as its near a school and a bridleway and a railway,complete with maintenance workers.Full choke plus the loss of the rib makes hitting flying stuff harder but its a great advantage to having a 12g that wont get complaints.32gr Eley punch too.Of an evening I use my sbs.I hope to get another Pedretti,not as well built but easier on the elbows as much lighter.I knackered them doing martial arts.No earplugs needed either and 250 12g carts about £40. The guns themselves are functional but if you are willing to adapt then no problem. If i had 1000,s of acres to shoot i would still have one.Great rabbit and squirrel gun that does the biz.

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