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Trigger adjustment


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I'm after some important advice on this as I don't want to get it wrong, knowledgable people only please!


I've just read the manual of my T3 and found the trigger adjustment screw. The pull on it feels far too heavy for me and I don't like it, the manual says it's 3lbs. I've given the allen screw one full turn lighter, but don't have a pull gauge to tell me what it's running at now. It feels nice (how I used to set my air rifles) but not overly light (it feels what I would regard as safe with room for error). I've put the gun back together, cocked the action (empty gun obviously) and dropped the butt on the kitchen floor from about a foot off the ground. I've done this several times with no sign of sear slipping so to me this means the gun is still safely within the accepted margins. Reading through this, is there anything you can see that I should have checked but haven't?


Cheers guys <_<

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I've done this several times with no sign of sear slipping so to me this means the gun is still safely within the accepted margins.

I had a gunsmith adjust the trigger of my t3 at the weekend while i was in.I wanted the pull weight a bit lighter so opened out the screw as far as possible and when tested with a pull gauge it was very consistantly reading 2lbs with no creep or drag it still is very safe i dont think its possible to open it out to an unsafe level :w00t:

It makes a lot of difference and is a lot easier to shoot tighter groups :w00t:

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Personally I never walk around with a rifle when there's a round in the chamber. Just don't feel safe doing it (safety or no safety)


Usually if i need to take a shot I will set the rifle up first and then cycle the bolt (need to do this slowly and quietly at times). Rifle is 90% of the time pointing in a safe direction when there's a round in it. So the only bang or bump the rifle will get when there's a round in the chamber is the recoil after the round is discharged


When I set the trigger weight on my tikka I used a weighing scales and found a tin of beans (in the tin) is about 1lb so I tied 2 tins of beans together (through the ring pulls) using a shoe lace. Trigger is lovely now. Has helped my centerfire shooting no end.


I tend to flinch due to loud noises so I need a predictable trigger, when I know there is a loud bang coming I wont flinch but if I pick up someone elses rifle and try to shoot it, the unknown trigger weight and therefore BANG makes me jump out of my skin.

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I'm after some important advice on this as I don't want to get it wrong, knowledgable people only please!


I've just read the manual of my T3 and found the trigger adjustment screw. The pull on it feels far too heavy for me and I don't like it, the manual says it's 3lbs. I've given the allen screw one full turn lighter, but don't have a pull gauge to tell me what it's running at now. It feels nice (how I used to set my air rifles) but not overly light (it feels what I would regard as safe with room for error). I've put the gun back together, cocked the action (empty gun obviously) and dropped the butt on the kitchen floor from about a foot off the ground. I've done this several times with no sign of sear slipping so to me this means the gun is still safely within the accepted margins. Reading through this, is there anything you can see that I should have checked but haven't?


Cheers guys :blink:

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. I've given the allen screw one full turn lighter,

I'm assuming the trigger is very similar to the older M595 from reading your description .Was there any white locktite on the threads has it's advisable to be replaced once the foot poundage is set .........If not you could also use a blob of tipex ,allow it to dry and mark it making note of where the screw is in relation to it's hole.


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There was no sign of any sort of thread lock on it, it turned really easily. I got it sorted with a fishing scale, it's letting go at 3lb 2oz now which feels fine! I hate to think what it was running at, but it was bloody heavy! The excitement of a new rifle meant I didn't seem to notice at first, but now I'm getting a little more serious about my grouping I was finding it a little hard. I developed some kind of flinch through it, like when people don't like the recoil? I think it was because I was pulling so hard on the trigger without it releasing that I was doing a final snatch to let the shot go, which was pulling my groups out to well over 1moa. Hopefully now I can get it down to one hole at 50 yards, which shouldn't be too hard :lol:

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