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Beginer's Advice...


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Hi Chap's...


Im seriously thinking about getting a ferret with the intension to take it with me when im out rough shooting.


I am a complete novice when it comes to ferrets and have never had one in the past.


Firstly, how big should the hutch be? I would be looking to make a hutch as im sure i could make a far better quality one for less money than they ask in petshops.


Is there anything i should look for when purchasing a ferret? And is a ferret from a petshop, likely to make a good worker?


At what age should i be looking to start to train a ferret? and how does one do it?


What does a ferret eat? can it survive on a shooters bag only? ie... pigeon and rabbit?


Basically chaps, im after all the info i need to get going.


Is there any books out there which are a good read for a newbie?


Thanks in advance for any suggestions.



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Best thing to do would be for my latest posts. I think i probably asked all the same questions over this week :rolleyes:







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Best thing to do would be for my latest posts. I think i probably asked all the same questions over this week :good:









Thanks for the reply...


Just been doing a little searching and noticed you posts :rolleyes:





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Don't get one from a petshop, you'll find someone close who works them and has a few spare kits soon enough. If not you'd be better driving a few miles to pick up a pair of stinkers from working stock :rolleyes:


The "hutch" is a "court", just a small point of order :good:


Feed them on rabbit / pigeon etc, there are ferret "complete" foods out there to supplement if you don't have fresh. You don't so much train them as follow them about until they work it out themselves - being from good working stock helps, as does a few sessions with mom/dad or other working stinkers :huh:

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Don't get one from a petshop, you'll find someone close who works them and has a few spare kits soon enough. If not you'd be better driving a few miles to pick up a pair of stinkers from working stock :rolleyes:


The "hutch" is a "court", just a small point of order :good:


Feed them on rabbit / pigeon etc, there are ferret "complete" foods out there to supplement if you don't have fresh. You don't so much train them as follow them about until they work it out themselves - being from good working stock helps, as does a few sessions with mom/dad or other working stinkers :huh:


Thanks for the reply!


You say 'pick up a pair' , is it a must to get multiple ferrets as aposed to one?



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Don't get one from a petshop, you'll find someone close who works them and has a few spare kits soon enough. If not you'd be better driving a few miles to pick up a pair of stinkers from working stock :lol:


The "hutch" is a "court", just a small point of order :blink:


Feed them on rabbit / pigeon etc, there are ferret "complete" foods out there to supplement if you don't have fresh. You don't so much train them as follow them about until they work it out themselves - being from good working stock helps, as does a few sessions with mom/dad or other working stinkers :good:


beg to differ mate, but a hutch is a hutch, a court is a court


hutch= wooden box with mesh front, small or large

court= 6x4 shed or bigger, with inside and outside area's that the ferrets have free run off

hutch= maybe a pair of jills or hob

court=9 plus ferrets living as a family unit,


just thought Id point it out th_madhalfhour1.jpg

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