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Mike Everleigh (BASC) on Radio 5 live


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Last night at 10pm Mike Everleigh was on 5 live defending the minister-supported proposals to give state school children target shooting instruction as a voluntary option for those who would be interested in taking up the sport. We are talking mostly .22 rimfire and air-gun here. Something that a lot of grammar schools in the UK already do and have done for some time. Naturally the majority of callers were a "Mothers against common sense" brigade of anti's who hounded him. They vented the same old spew and couldnt grasp some basic concepts about safe and legal shooting not being related to illegal gun crime.


I think the last non-anti caller might have made the essential point about seperating legal and illegal gun use but; Mike seemed to be holding off an army of anti's calling into the show who couldnt tell what from what. It amazes me that even Steve Nolan (presenter) couldn't grasp these simple points:


. Gun crime on the streets is by its own nature illegal; the persons involved are commiting criminal offenses possesing illegal and unlicensed firearms.


. Schools are not going to "give children guns." They are going to have supervised use of firearms after careful instruction and safety tuition. These firearms will be suitably secured after use. Children will not be able to access to the firearms store. (Likely they will be made approved club members and shoot under s11 (6) conditions of the firearms act.)


. It is unlikely most schools will actually have shooting taking place on school grounds; especially in deprived areas where there is no avalaible money/land to build a range anyway. Most schools will likely arrange for Children to go to a suitable range once or twice a week for supervised marksmanship practise under the watch of RCO's. "Cockey" behaviour would result in loss of shooting and more safety training. Further Unsafe behaviour would result in the withdrawn from range alltogether.


. The scheme will be offered as a privlidge that can be withdrawn for behaviour reasons etc. Every child who wants to take part will need parental consent, Initial assessment would filter out any children that have ongoing behavorial problems that could present a risk.


. The majority of firearms used will likely be air-gun and .22rf . Some Children may progress onto centre-fire gallery-rifles (.38sp etc) and full-bore (.303/7.62 etc) where suitable range and club firearms permit. This is of course after they have proved themselves on smallbore weapons and instructors are satisifed that they are ready. Advancement to full-bore would likely co-incide with later secondary school years. A far cry from the types of illegal guns on our streets.


. There is no need for all kids to have the natural ability to shoot to olympic standard. But after training; it could help in the search for new olympic contenders. Most children could enjoy in-club league competition and possibly even inter-school matches. Think of the benefits this competitive sport could bring back to the kids who don't get it in PE anymore. It also brings back pride in achievement which can contribute to good behaviour no end.


Also those like me who were forced to abstain from contact sports and general PE due to health problems or disability could do this no problems in most cases. Everyone gets a chance at healthy competition and learn good sportsmanship so those who do not do so well will strive to improve or at least do the best they can. There would be no risk of "hurt feelings" the PC brigade seem to put around.


I know I don't really need to expalin this to you guys on here as you are all free of govt brainwashing and have freedom of making you own opinions. But I just felt I had to let it out as the idiocy of the presenter and anti's on the programme now gets imprinted onto the general population.


I mean how much does it take to grasp the simple concept: Gun crime on the streets is commited with illegal and unlicensed firearms by very definition. It does not relate to legal licensed use of firearms. Is it me or has the shooting population been sealed in a glass bubble? We shout out the true facts but are never heard by the brainwashed masses. It's easier for them to tow the govt line and use us as scapegoats I suspose.


Whew that feels so much better now.



Edited by mr_colt
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Good idea.. but..


This will probably never take off due to the antis/goverment funding, and wont stop 'gansters' and yobos shooting at eachother in the street.

Like any law/idea setup to reduce guncrime, it only affects law abiding folks, and not the criminals. If they want to shoot at eachother, they will.


But if this programme takes off, boy il wish I was back in school again :good: :good:

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Last night at 10pm Mike Everleigh was on 5 live defending the minister-supported proposals to give state school children target shooting instruction as a voluntary option for those who would be interested in taking up the sport. We are talking mostly .22 rimfire and air-gun here. Something that a lot of grammar schools in the UK already do and have done for some time. Naturally the majority of callers were a "Mothers against common sense" brigade of anti's who hounded him. They vented the same old spew and couldnt grasp some basic concepts about safe and legal shooting not being related to illegal gun crime.


I think the last non-anti caller might have made the essential point about seperating legal and illegal gun use but; Mike seemed to be holding off an army of anti's calling into the show who couldnt tell what from what. It amazes me that even Steve Nolan (presenter) couldn't grasp these simple points:


. Gun crime on the streets is by its own nature illegal; the persons involved are commiting criminal offenses possesing illegal and unlicensed firearms.


. Schools are not going to "give children guns." They are going to have supervised use of firearms after careful instruction and safety tuition. These firearms will be suitably secured after use. Children will not be able to access to the firearms store. (Likely they will be made approved club members and shoot under s11 (6) conditions of the firearms act.)


. It is unlikely most schools will actually have shooting taking place on school grounds; especially in deprived areas where there is no avalaible money/land to build a range anyway. Most schools will likely arrange for Children to go to a suitable range once or twice a week for supervised marksmanship practise under the watch of RCO's. "Cockey" behaviour would result in loss of shooting and more safety training. Further Unsafe behaviour would result in the withdrawn from range alltogether.


. The scheme will be offered as a privlidge that can be withdrawn for behaviour reasons etc. Every child who wants to take part will need parental consent, Initial assessment would filter out any children that have ongoing behavorial problems that could present a risk.


. The majority of firearms used will likely be air-gun and .22rf . Some Children may progress onto centre-fire gallery-rifles (.38sp etc) and full-bore (.303/7.62 etc) where suitable range and club firearms permit. This is of course after they have proved themselves on smallbore weapons and instructors are satisifed that they are ready. Advancement to full-bore would likely co-incide with later secondary school years. A far cry from the types of illegal guns on our streets.


. There is no need for all kids to have the natural ability to shoot to olympic standard. But after training; it could help in the search for new olympic contenders. Most children could enjoy in-club league competition and possibly even inter-school matches. Think of the benefits this competitive sport could bring back to the kids who don't get it in PE anymore. It also brings back pride in achievement which can contribute to good behaviour no end.


Also those like me who were forced to abstain from contact sports and general PE due to health problems or disability could do this no problems in most cases. Everyone gets a chance at healthy competition and learn good sportsmanship so those who do not do so well will strive to improve or at least do the best they can. There would be no risk of "hurt feelings" the PC brigade seem to put around.


I know I don't really need to expalin this to you guys on here as you are all free of govt brainwashing and have freedom of making you own opinions. But I just felt I had to let it out as the idiocy of the presenter and anti's on the programme now gets imprinted onto the general population.


I mean how much does it take to grasp the simple concept: Gun crime on the streets is commited with illegal and unlicensed firearms by very definition. It does not relate to legal licensed use of firearms. Is it me or has the shooting population been sealed in a glass bubble? We shout out the true facts but are never heard by the brainwashed masses. It's easier for them to tow the govt line and use us as scapegoats I suspose.


Whew that feels so much better now.



I Have said it before and I will say it again.

The schools should take in some form of shooting as part of lessons for life,

I started training my grandson at 13 years old shooting clays,

With a very heavy emphasis on gun use and safety.

now shooting is his life,

at 15 almost, vandalism does not come into his vocabulary.

he feels more at home in the shooting fraternatey, who have accepted and helped him.

he spends a lot of time with adults in an adult world, and as such he thinks like an adult.

the anti gun lobby would do well to visit my local clubs and see the way kids are taught,

to be responsible people. who will not in future commit crimes for fear of loosing thier precious hobby. :good::good::lol:

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Incidentally Shrewsbury Grammar School has a 25m indoor range where third form and onwards shoot 22rf rifles. Intially from prone then standing. They have matches with other schools too. Some kids take the option of an arrangement to shoot full-bore at Minsterley Ranges: They all seem to be well behaved responsible young adults (yes they deserve to be called that as they are far more mature than those of their age.)


They enjoy the social aspect and being part of a team when in competition; they tend to work really hard on their studies as well. All round; a good balance between classes and rifle-club breeds responsible young people who will become responsible citizens in the years to come.



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One other point about this phone-in.

Many of the callers (and the interviewer to start with) kept banging on that "Compulsory" gun use should no be made part of the curriculum. Mike Everleigh kept correcting this but many of the callers and th lady from the Anti-gun lobby didn't seem to want to hear this.

They insisted that "gun training" would only create more accurate and wild armed criminals.

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