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Morning Fox


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out this morning in the rain with my mate and his HMR. spent an hour or so sat up in the landy on the edge of a rabbit field but they must have all lost their raincoats as not one bothered to come out to play :good: plan b: drove over a few fields and decided to sit near a bit of wood that opens onto a stubble covered field that the crows usually like to come and nit pick over. after a while, no crows but out of the wood pops mr fox. he didnt seem bothered by us at all until he stopped for a better look upon which time he was whacked in the noggin with the little HMR round at 80 yards. little bit soggy looking but nice and fat, no doubt full of pheasant. quite impressed with how well the little bullet stopped him while not making anywhere near the mess of a centerfire.



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out this morning in the rain with my mate and his HMR. spent an hour or so sat up in the landy on the edge of a rabbit field but they must have all lost their raincoats as not one bothered to come out to play :mad: plan b: drove over a few fields and decided to sit near a bit of wood that opens onto a stubble covered field that the crows usually like to come and nit pick over. after a while, no crows but out of the wood pops mr fox. he didnt seem bothered by us at all until he stopped for a better look upon which time he was whacked in the noggin with the little HMR round at 80 yards. little bit soggy looking but nice and fat, no doubt full of pheasant. quite impressed with how well the little bullet stopped him while not making anywhere near the mess of a centerfire.


You could have waited 5 mins for him to get a bit bigger :lol::lol:


:lol: D2D

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